Every knowledge article should have a category assigned to it that represents the Technology, Service, or Business Process that the article addresses. If the article is intended for a particular college or unit, then...
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Every knowledge article should have a category assigned to it that represents the Technology, Service, or Business Process that the article addresses. Learn about the categorization schema we use in TDX.
Content that should only be viewed by the University community should not be published to a publicly available website such as the Technology Help website (it.umn.edu). Instead, it should be stored in the...
Content that should only be viewed by the University community should not be published to a publicly available website. Instead, you can store content in the TeamDynamix (TDX) Knowledge Base where it is secured behind authentication.
The lifecycle of a Knowledge Base article begins with a Not Submitted article and progresses through when an article is archived. You can see where an article is in the lifecycle by referring to its...
The lifecycle of a Knowledge Base article begins with a Not Submitted article and progresses through when an article is archived. You can see where an article is in the lifecycle by referring to its Status.