TDX: Log in to Users (TDNext)

The TeamDynamix platform has two main areas: the Client Portal and Users (TDNext).

Logging in to Users (TDNext)

  1. Go to TeamDynamix.
  2. Select Users.
    TDX front page with the "users" box highlighted
  3. Use your UofM credentials at the Single-Sign On window. A Welcome to TeamDynamix pop-up window will open and alert you to any notifications.
  4. Click the X in the top right corner of the notification box or click anywhere outside of the notification box to close it automatically.
    • You can also check the box to not have this notification box appear again when you log in.
      A TDX window saying "Welcome to TeamDynamix. You have nine items requiring your approval."Below the message is a checkbox labeled "Don't show this message again"
  5. Click the Applications menu on the top left side. The application menu icon 
    • A menu with various icons for each application in TDX opens below the menu button:
      Application page; example available apps: Desktopm ARF tickets, Assets/Cis, Client Portal, Downloads, My Work, People, U of M tickets, Help. Additional tab U of M tickets.
  6. Select U of M Tickets to access the main ticketing application. The center of the screen will open into the ticketing application and the application tab will appear near the application menu so that you can toggle between applications quickly.
    A picture of the TDX Users Desktop. The U of M Tickets tab is highlighted.
  7. Click the Applications Menu again and select My Work. The center of the screen will open into the ticketing application and the application tab will appear near the application menu. 

Other Applications to Note

  • Those who work with tracking and managing assets can select the Assets/CI application from the Applications menu. 
  • Those who work with the Provisioning and Access Request (PAR) team on approvals can select the ARF Tickets application from the Applications menu.
  • Some users may have a Desktop set up for your area of the U of M Tickets tab. If not, there are several ready-made reports for you to create your own Desktop. See Create a Desktop for more information.

Additional Resources

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