Most of the time Contacts will be put into the system from outside sources. However, sometimes you may need to enter information for someone not yet in the system in order to associate a Prospect record and add them to a Visit, Appointment, etc.
This article explains the process for manually creating a Contact record, outside of any other data loading streams. Internal business processes may differ on preferences of how and when to manually add information into CRM.
Creating a Contact Record
- Ensure that the Contact information does not already exist by checking for duplicate records
- Once it has been verified that the Contact does not yet exist click on Contacts if showing as a default tab or click on the All Tabs button (+) in the menu bar to display All Tabs and click on Contacts in the list.
- From Contacts Home click New
- From the drop-down,select the desired Record Type (Basic Contact will default the associated Organization to UMN, Affiliate will start the record with Organization blank) and click Continue. This brings up the Create New Contact Record page.
- From the Create New Contact Record page you're able to enter the available contact information for the Contact record.
- Note: the only fields the system requires are Organization Name and Last Name. The matching rules that are setup for data loads match on First Name, Last Name, and Email so having at least those three fields filled out is highly recommended.
- The fields available on Create New Contact Record page are basic contact information. If more information needs to be added you can Edit the Contact record after it is created.
- Check with internal business processes to see if they require certain types of contact information be filled out. You may want to check the Contact Definitions and Sources documentation for more information.
- Once all desired fields have been filled out, clicking on Save at either the top or bottom of the page will bring you to the Contact record for further manipulation if needed.