Kaltura: View Analytics About Media Usage

Kaltura Analytics allows media owners and co-editors to better understand how people are watching media recordings (video and audio, Kaltura Video Quizzes, and links to YouTube in Kaltura) published using Kaltura in Canvas and Kaltura MediaSpace. Details can include: 

  • who has watched your media, from which geographic location, and what type of device they used
  • how long people have watched
  • which of your media are most popular
  • specific domains (e.g. canvas.umn.edu) and often specific web pages (e.g. canvas.umn.edu/courses/177708/pages/example-page) where your media is published and has been viewed

In this article:

Publishing Media So You Can Collect User-Level Analytics

It is possible to view analytics down to the individual user level when Kaltura media has been published, and if it has been viewed by users in one of the following ways:

Limitations with User-Level Analytics

Kaltura Analytics provides perspective, not definitive information. Be careful not to use Kaltura Analytics as a sole measurement for attendance or for a participation grade. 

If the analytics do not show a particular student viewing your media in a specific timeframe, that does not mean they did not try to view it:

  • It is possible Kaltura could not collect information about someone's viewership. There have been cases where specific browsers, browser plugins, or Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have blocked Kaltura Analytics from collecting data.
  • If you set a media recording in Kaltura MediaSpace as unlisted, then paste a link to that media in Canvas or elsewhere, users who view the recording through that link will appear in Kaltura Analytics as Unknown
  • If you allow viewers to download your media, when viewers view downloaded media on their computer/device, data about their viewership will not be sent back to Kaltura Analytics.

Viewing Kaltura's Analytics for a Single Recording

  1. Go to My Media using one of these two options:
    • Log in to Canvas, then from the Account menu, select My Media (Kaltura)
    • Log in to MediaSpace
  2. Locate the media you are interested in. To the right of the title, select the View Analytics icon 
    • Note: If you cannot find the View Analytics icon, try making your browser window wider.
  3. Continue to the Analytics Filters section in this article.

Viewing Analytics for All Media You Own in Kaltura

  1. Log in to MediaSpace
  2. From the user name (e.g. Your Name) menu in the upper right, select My Analytics
  3. Continue to the Analytics Filters section of this article

Viewing Analytics for All Kaltura Media in a Canvas Course or MediaSpace Channel

  1. Access your Canvas course or MediaSpace channel:
    • As a teacher, designer, or TA in Canvas, go to the Media Gallery. If you don't see the Media Gallery, refer to Add, Move, or Remove the Media Gallery.
      • Note: When you enable the Media Gallery in your Canvas course, your students will be able to view it as well. However, only media you specifically add or approve is visible in the Media Gallery.
    • As a channel manager, visit your MediaSpace channel.
  2. In the upper right, from the Actions dropdown menu, select Analytics.
    Channel actions dropdown menu expanded; options edit, analytics (highlighted), import.
  3. Continue to the Analytics Filters section of this article.

Analytics Filters

When using Kaltura Analytics, consider the following:

Date Filter

By default, the given date range shows the last 30 days, but does not include today. 

  • To change the time period and/or date range, select the Date Range in the upper right, pick a new date range, then select Apply to filter by those dates.
  • To include today's date, select Since Creation or enter a specific date range. 

Other Filters

To use other filters, expand the Filter menu.

  • In analytics for a single recording, you can filter by:
  • In analytics for a Canvas course or MediaSpace channel, or when looking at My Analytics for all media you own, you can also filter by:
    • Media Type: whether the media is video, audio, and/or images
    • Tags: specific tags you may have entered for the media
    • Location: Includes Country, Region, and City

Analytics Features

Canvas Course Media Gallery, MediaSpace Channel, and Media Owner Analytics

The following sections provide additional details and explanations of analytics features.


The Highlights area shows:

  • number of player impressions, which is the number of times someone opened a web page where the media appears
  • number of plays out of number of played entries
  • unique viewers 
  • cumulative minutes viewed

Category Page Views

When accessing Analytics for a Media Gallery in Canvas, this section allows you to compare the number of times people have played media within the Media Gallery in Canvas, versus watching media that was posted to a Canvas page or other resource using the Rich Content Editor's Add Media Using Kaltura button.

Top Videos

This shows a ranking of the most popular media.

Top Viewers

This lists the top viewers based on the number of plays for the given time period.


The Insights section has a rotating display including Most Viewed Domain, Top Locations, and Most Popular Device type. Select See details to jump down to more details lower in the page.

Details About Specific Viewers

For details about specific viewers, select View Engagement Per User below the media player. Please note the Limitations with User-Level Analytics section earlier in this article.

Performance Over Time


  • When viewing analytics for a single recording, this section is called Video performance over time.
  • When viewing analytics for Kaltura in a Canvas course, or for a MediaSpace channel, this section is called Category Performance Over Time.
  • When viewing My Analytics (for all media you own), this section is unlabeled.

By default, you are in the Player Impression tab, displaying a graph of impressions. 

Category performance over time with accompanying graphs for: player impressions, plays, unique viewers, minutes viewed, average drop off rate, average completion rate.

Impressions means the number of times someone opened a web page where media appears.

To explore engagement trends over time, use the graph to review key metrics in the additional tabs:

  • Plays: Number of times users select play to watch a recording
  • Unique Viewers: Number of authenticated viewers; all anonymous viewers count as a single viewer, labeled "Unknown"
  • Minutes Viewed: Total duration of recording watched by viewers
  • Avg. Drop Off Rate: An average measured by viewers reaching playback milestones of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%
    • Note: Many viewers will watch all of a recording, but do not count as 100% completion due to "dead air" at the end of the recording

Selecting View Details at the bottom of the Performance Over Time section provides additional filtering options. You can sort by Users, Entries, and Dates.

How Player Impressions Lead to Engagement

This area tracks the ways viewers interact with your media following an impression: whether they selected the media and watched it. You can select playthrough milestones for additional data.

Top Countries

This section tracks countries with the most engagement with your media, as well as impression information. Selecting a country provides more detailed location information. You can continue choosing location links for even more specific location details.

Devices Overview

This section shows which types of devices are used to access your media. Hovering over a percentage tells you how many plays occurred on that type of device. 
Devices overview dashboard. Desktop, tablet, mobile with examples of percentage of use.

Top Domains

The top domains are ordered by sites that had the most number of plays in the selected time frame. 

At the University of Minnesota, typically you will only find up to two domains: kaf.canvas.umn.edu (Kaltura in Canvas) and mediaspace.umn.edu (MediaSpace). This information is useful if you are sharing media in Canvas and in MediaSpace at the same time, and want to know which platform is more popular with your viewers.

Common Domains You May Encounter

The table below includes an explanation of domains you may encounter in Kaltura Analytics.

Domain Explanation Embed Will Break August 1, 2024? (more info)
canvas.umn.edu MediaSpace embed code was pasted into the main UMN Canvas system, and users viewed it via canvas.umn.edu Yes
umn.instructure.com MediaSpace embed code was pasted into the main UMN Canvas system, and users viewed it via umn.instructure.com Yes
umn.quiz-lti-iad-prod.instructure.com MediaSpace embed code was pasted into New Quizzes in the main UMN Canvas system Yes
Note: Kaltura Analytics cannot show which New Quiz or question to update
Ends with .cluster79.canvas-user-content.com (e.g. a4356-36346120.cluster79.canvas-user-content.com) MediaSpace embed code was pasted into a file uploaded to My Files in Canvas (likely canvas.umn.edu) Yes
Note: In Kaltura Analytics, the specific Page URL links cannot be opened, but the URL text includes clues about the folder and filename in My Files
iad.scorm.canvaslms.com MediaSpace embed code was pasted into a SCORM module which was then uploaded to a Canvas system (likely canvas.umn.edu) Yes
Note: Kaltura Analytics cannot show which SCORM module page to update


MediaSpace embed code was pasted into the College of Veterinary Medicine's Canvas system Yes
Other domains ending in umn.edu     MediaSpace embed code was pasted into a UMN web page     Yes

Ends with -atari-embeds.googleusercontent.com 

(e.g. 1065223623-atari-embeds.googleusercontent.com)

MediaSpace embed code was pasted into a page in Google Sites Yes
Note: Kaltura Analytics cannot show which Google Sites page to update
umn.qualtrics.com or umn.yul1.qualtrics.com MediaSpace embed code was pasted into a survey in UMN Qualtrics (umn.qualtrics.com) Yes
Note: Kaltura Analytics cannot show which Qualtrics survey and question to update
umnlms.ca1.qualtrics.com MediaSpace embed code was pasted into a survey in the UMN Qualtrics Canvas LTI (umnlms.qualtrics.com) Yes
Note: Kaltura Analytics cannot show which Qualtrics survey and question to update
articulateusercontent.com MediaSpace embed code was pasted into the Articulate hosting platform Yes
Note: Kaltura Analytics cannot show which object to update in the Articulate platform.
kaf.canvas.umn.edu       Media was loaded from Kaltura in Canvas. No action needed.    €‹ No
mediaspace.umn.edu Media was loaded from within the Kaltura MediaSpace user interface. No action needed.  No
cdnapisec.kaltura.com Media was loaded from a standalone media page. The link was likely created by going to the recording's Edit page in My Media, and copying an embed code from there. That method is no longer an option. No

Note: This type of link should work after the player upgrade. However this method of creating a link is older and no longer supported. Best practice is to go to MediaSpace, set the recording to unlisted, and share the link to the page using these steps.
kmc.kaltura.com Media was loaded for internal troubleshooting or accessibility purposes. No action needed. No
958321-2.kaf.kaltura.com Media was loaded from Kaltura in Canvas before August 10, 2020. No action needed. No
Ends with .kaf.moodle.umn.edu (e.g. ay17.kaf.moodle.umn.edu) Media was loaded from Kaltura in UMN Moodle, which no longer exists. No action needed. No
Unknown The page the media is being loaded from is unclear. No action possible. N/A
C:, D:, E:, Users, localhost, var, com.google.android.gm Media was played on a web page that was downloaded to a viewer's computer or device. Not possible to update embed codes in a downloaded file. N/A

Finding Embeds That Need To Be Updated Before the Kaltura Player Upgrade

As noted on Kaltura Player Upgrade: Timeline and Impacts, a generational Kaltura player upgrade is scheduled for August 1, 2024. At that time, much of the University's usage of Kaltura will be upgraded without issue. However, the upgrade will break embed codes created in Kaltura MediaSpace and posted on web pages

Impacted media owners/publishers will need to update MediaSpace-generated embed codes if they want them to work after August 1, 2024. Use the steps below to document which domains and web pages (if available) need updated embed codes.

Using My Analytics to Find Embeds That Need to be Updated

  1. Log in to MediaSpace
  2. From the user name (e.g. Your Name) menu in the upper right, select My Analytics
  3. In the upper right, select Last 30 Days.
    1. Change to a longer period. Suggestion: Select Last 12 Months or specify a longer timeframe.
    2. Select Apply
  4. Select the Filter menu to expand it.
  5. Under Domains, click Select Domains. The menu expands, showing all domains from which your media has been loaded in the chosen time period.
  6. Select the checkbox(es) for each domain in the list, except the following (because they will be handled automatically by the player upgrade project):
    1. kaf.canvas.umn.edu (this is for Kaltura in Canvas after August 10, 2020)
    2. 958321-2.kaf.kaltura.com (this is for Kaltura in Canvas before August 10, 2020)
    3. mediaspace.umn.edu 
  7. Select Apply. The page updates based on the filters you selected.
  8. In the Top Domains section at the bottom of the page, select the first domain name in the list. The listing updates to show that domain. If available, there will be a list of Page URLs (specific web pages) in that domain that have your media embedded. These are embeds that will break when the upgrade occurs. There may be multiple pages of results.
    1. In the Page URLs list, select the Open ina new browser icon (Open page URL in a new browser tab) button. A tab opens, showing a page that includes a Kaltura embed created in MediaSpace.
      • Note: It is possible you will not have access to the page you are trying to open
    2. Take note of the page that needs a new embed code. In the player, click the Info button, then copy its ID value (e.g. €‹€‹1_qrf2hrm) and paste that into your inventory as well. 
    3. Close the tab opened in step 8a
    4. Repeat steps 8a through 8c for each page URL in the listing
    5. When done working through the pages in that domain, select the Top Domains link to return to the domain listing
  9. Continue to the next domain in the Top Domains listing, and repeat step 8 (including 8a-8e) above.

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