Audience: Canvas course teachers, designers, and teaching assistants (TAs)
As part of Kaltura in Canvas, the Media Gallery is a tool to publish, view, and search media (video and audio recordings) in Kaltura. Only people enrolled in a particular Canvas course have access to that course's Media Gallery.
Course teachers,designers, and TAs: use the steps below to add, move, or remove the Media Gallery in your Canvas course.
- Log in to Canvas and go to your course.
- Select Settings from the course navigation menu.
- Select the Navigation tab.
- Locate Media Gallery on the page, then:
- To add or move the Media Gallery: Select the Media Gallery bar and drag it to where you would like it to appear in the course navigation menu, under the section labeled Drag and drop items to reorder them in the course navigation.
- To remove the Media Gallery: Select the Media Gallery bar and drag it down to be under the section labeled Drag items here to hide them from students.
- Select Save at the bottom of the page.
Your settings will take effect for everyone who has access to the course.