Canvas: Manage and Moderate Kaltura Media Gallery

Audience: Faculty and Staff

The Media Gallery is an area to add, view, and search Kaltura media associated with a specific Canvas course. Only people enrolled in a particular Canvas course have access to that course's Media Gallery. Learn how to add, move, or remove the Media Gallery.

In this article:

Moderating Student Submissions to the Media Gallery

By default, student submissions to the Media Gallery must be approved by a teacher, designer, or TA before their media is visible to everyone enrolled in the course.

To review student submissions:

  1. Log in to Canvas and go to your course.
  2. Select Media Gallery from the course navigation menu.
  3. Select the Pending tab on the Media Gallery page.
    • Note: The Pending tab only appears if there are submissions pending approval.
  4. Review the media and select Approve or Reject for each video in the pending list.
    A Media Gallery with two Pending Videos and Approve and Reject buttons highlighted for one of them
  5. When approved, the video will appear in the Media Gallery.
    The Approved Video in the Media Gallery with the other Video still pending

Setting the Media Gallery to Allow All Submissions Without Moderation

Teachers, designers, and TAs who want to make it so all users in the course can add to the Media Gallery without the moderation/approval process should follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Canvas and go to your course.
  2. Select Media Gallery from the course navigation menu.
  3. Select Edit from the Actions menu.
    Canvas course, media gallery tab. Actions menu expanded, edit highlghted from dropdown options.
    • Note: If you don't see the Actions menu in the upper-right corner of the page, try making your browser window wider.
  4. In the Options section, uncheck the checkbox next to Moderate content; submissions in the Media Gallery will not appear until approved by a teacher, designer, or TA.
  5. Select Save

Using Playlists to Control the Order of Media Added to a Media Gallery

Within a Media Gallery, the most recently uploaded media appears at the top of the list by default. You can create a playlist to organize your media in a different order or to highlight specific media.

Creating a Playlist in Canvas

To create a new playlist:

  1. Log in to Canvas and go to your course.
  2. Select Media Gallery from the course navigation menu.
  3. Select Create Playlist from the Actions menu.
        Canvas course, media gallery tab. Actions menu expanded, Create playlist highlghted from dropdown options.
  4. Enter a title in the upper right. The page displays your media on the left and an empty playlist on the right.
    • Toggle the drop-down menu to select between Media Gallery and My Media. Use the search box to locate specific media.
    • Select the + icon for each item you wish to add to the playlist. A checkmark appears next to items added to the playlist.
    • Re-order the items in the playlist by selecting and dragging the two horizontal bars on the left or by selecting Move to Bottom or Move to Top from the … (horizontal ellipsis) dropdown menu to the right of the media item.
    • To remove an item from the playlist, select Remove from the … menu to the right of the media item.
  5. When finished, select Go to Media Gallery. Your new playlist should now appear on the Playlists tab in the Media Gallery.

Editing Existing Media Gallery Playlists

  1. Log in to Canvas and go to your course.
  2. Select Media Gallery from the course navigation menu.
  3. Select Edit from the Actions menu.
    Canvas course, media gallery tab. Actions menu expanded, edit highlghted from dropdown options.
  4. Select the Playlists tab to view all existing playlists.
    Canvas course Media Gallery, Playlists tab with three playlists displayed. Columns Title, Type, Description, Entries, and Actions.
  5. Select the Edit pencil icon in the Actions column for the playlist you wish to edit. The page displays fields for title, description, and tags at the top. Below, your media is on the left and the playlist is on the right.
    • Toggle the drop-down menu to select between Media Gallery and My Media or use the search box to locate specific media.
    • Select the + icon for each item you wish to add to the playlist. A checkmark appears next to items added to the playlist.
    • Re-order the items in the playlist by selecting and dragging the two horizontal bars on the left or by selecting Move to Bottom or Move to Top from the … (horizontal ellipsis) dropdown menu to the right of the media item.
    • To remove an item from the playlist, select Remove from the … menu to the right of the media item.
  6.  When finished, select Save.
  7. Select Back to Media Gallery.

Managing Media Gallery Player Settings

By default, students cannot download media added to a Media Gallery, but they can use the transcript viewer in the upper right of the player. For an example of a recording and player with the transcript viewer, refer to this Kaltura v7 Player Example.

As a teacher, designer, or TA, you can change Media Gallery settings so students can download a copy of each recording added to the Media Gallery. You can also disallow the use of the transcript viewer and chapter navigation options. This option reduces your media's alignment with universal design principles. Use it only when pedagogically necessary.

To change these Media Gallery settings:

  1. Log in to Canvas and go to your course.
  2. Select Media Gallery from the course navigation menu.
  3. Select Edit from the Actions menu.
    Edit in the Actions Menu
  4. Select the Theme tab.
  5. In the Media Gallery Player Set dropdown, select Download enabled or Transcript and chapter navigation disabled.
  6. Click Submit. Media in the Media Gallery now adheres to the chosen selection.

Notes about making media downloadable via the Media Gallery:

  • If viewers download media, Kaltura Analytics will not be collected when users play the downloaded file from their computer/mobile device.
  • If you are concerned about intellectual property, you may wish to remind your students that University Teaching and Learning: Student Responsibilities policy states that students may not distribute instructor-provided course materials without the express (written) consent of the instructor. 
  • When you link from Kaltura to a YouTube video, YouTube videos are not available for download.

Additional Resources

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