
Training Hub is the University of Minnesota’s system for managing required and optional training. Anyone affiliated with the University of Minnesota can use this system to view and track their training. Training Hub replaces the previous training management system ULearn.

Training Hub will not contain historical data from ULearn or other previous training management systems. All historical training data, including data for courses managed in Training Hub, can be accessed in the Training History report in MyU, or in the Data Warehouse.


Training Hub leverages the University's enterprise learning management system, Canvas, with University-built training administration functionality. The system features:

  • Ability to assign training to UMN students, faculty, staff, and guests
  • Ability for UMN students, faculty, staff, and guests to self-enroll
  • Ability to track training completion
  • Ability to set registration limits, prerequisites, and enrollment controls
  • Ability to compose and send scheduled email notifications to registrants
  • Catalog of available training courses
  • Self-help for training administrators
  • Technology Help available 24/7

Additional Resources