
Good Practices

These tips will help you use Duo effectively so that you maintain access to University applications and keep your information more secure.


Duo Security is required for all students, faculty, and staff at the University of Minnesota.
Duo Security multi-factor authentication adds an additional layer of protection to your University of Minnesota account. Duo
There are many ways to verify your identity using Duo Security. Depending on the application you are accessing, Duo will send you either the universal prompt or the traditional prompt.
Cisco Secure Client is the primary Virtual Private Network (VPN) tool supported by the University of Minnesota. All VPNs require Duo Security Multi-Factor Authentication (Duo). 
All Departmental Pools, Full Tunnel VPN, and Split Tunnel VPN Pools require Multi-Factor Authentication through


Users agree to comply with the laws or regulations of the United States Department of Commerce, the United States Department of Treasury Foreign Assets Control, or any other applicable United States foreign agency or

Self-Help Guides

Duo Security adds an additional layer of security to the information you access online.