
The Managed Linux Hosting service is fully integrated with supporting offerings such as enterprise storage services, database and server hosting. These offerings can be brought together in a powerful combination that will allow fully automated complex application deployments, saving time and effort. This offering enables our customers to automate their application deployments with the full support of our Hosting Services team behind them.

This service assumes that the user has a moderate level of technical knowledge and experience with automation tools. Servers are compliant with University standards and policies. Nightly backups are provided, if requested. Restores are available through the Technology Help service desk.


  • Full administrative access to the system. This provides the ability for automation tools to work out of the box.
  • System Monitoring. We will monitor the availability of the server environment. The customer will be responsible for monitoring the availability of the application.
  • Security Scanning/Monitoring. We will review security scanning reports weekly and notify customer of level 4 and 5 security vulnerabilities.
  • Support is provided 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday - Friday.
  • After Hours, On-call Support can be requested by calling 1-HELP.

Getting Started

  • We recommend contacting the IT staff in your department, as the first step.
  • If you do not have IT staff or don't know who your IT staff are, you can open a support request for Hosting Services by contact the University’s Technology Help service desk.
  • To see an outline of responsibilities with managed servers, review the Hosting Team RACI
  • Linux Server Hosting: Service Guide