The University of Minnesota has an Enterprise license for Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, which covers Acrobat use by current faculty, staff, and student staff (retired staff and faculty are NOT eligible). To use this license, sign in to an AdobeID as described below is required.
- The sign in process described here only applies to the Acrobat Pro DC Enterprise license at the University of Minnesota. Adobe Acrobat Pro is used for editing or creating .PDF documents.
- Adobe Sign is not included in the University's Acrobat license.
- Adobe Creative Cloud products such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, and other CC apps use a different license and a different sign in process.
Activate Acrobat (new installation or license change)
The first time Acrobat is started after installation or a license change, sign in to an AdobeID is required.
- Start Acrobat.
- Enter your University of Minnesota email address when sign in is requested.
- Select Continue.
- You might be asked to select a Personal or Company or School account. If so, select Company or School.
- Use your UMN internetID and password to complete signing in through UMN authentication.
- You should then be able to start Acrobat. Acrobat will show that you are signed in to an Adobe Account.
You do not need to sign out each time you close Acrobat. If you do sign out from within Acrobat, you will need to repeat the above sign in process the next time you start Acrobat.
Additional Information
How to get access to the license?
If the device is a University owned device, the software should be available in Software Center or Self Service. If it is not, contact the OIT Service Desk. They can put in a request if you explain your business need for Acrobat Pro.
If it is a device you personally own, you can download the application directly from Adobe following the directions listed at install for Work at Home Use or Non Managed University Owned Device.
Who can use this license?
- Acrobat Pro DC, Enterprise license is only available to current University of Minnesota faculty, staff, and student staff.
- Work at Home Rights for faculty and staff for Acrobat Pro DC are available. To install, start at, sign in with UMN email address and "company or school" account as described above, then look for the Adobe Document Cloud link.
- This license is not available for these account types: Student (non student staff), Sponsored, Departmental, Retired staff, Retired faculty (including emeritus) and Person of Interest (POI).
- Adobe Sign is not included under the Enterprise License Agreement.
Coordination with other Adobe licenses
- Adobe Creative Cloud licenses also require sign in, but use a use a different account type than the Acrobat Pro Enterprise license. For Creative Cloud licenses including products such as Photoshop or InDesign, select "Personal" as the account type.
- If you have a Creative Cloud license and that license includes Acrobat, use Acrobat through the Creative Cloud license. The "Personal" account type for CC licenses conflicts with the "Company or school" account type used with our Acrobat Pro DC Enterprise license.