Self Service is a tool for installing and updating software on University owned and managed Apple devices without the need for administrative rights. Self Service requires an Internet connection to function properly.
This article will help you with the following:
- Launching Self Service
- Installing Software
- Updating Software
- Updating the Operating System (OS)
- Logging in to Access Additional Items
- Uninstalling Applications
- Adding Applications to Self Service
- Click on the Spotlight icon
at the top right of the screen (Cmd + Space).
- Type Self Service and select Self from the search results.
- The Self Service application will open.
- Using the Search bar at the left, search for the application you want to install.
- Select the Install button.
- The application version that will be installed is shown on the Install button. In the following, the button Install 3.0.16 will install the 3.0.16 version of VLC media player.
- The application version that will be installed is shown on the Install button. In the following, the button Install 3.0.16 will install the 3.0.16 version of VLC media player.
- The Install button will become a progress wheel until it is complete.
- When the application completes, the button will change to a green check mark with the word Done.
Updating Software
You can update software using Self Service before the updates run automatically on the device.
- Select Notifications from the left menu. You will see available updates for installed software. If this is empty, there are no pending updates.
- Select Update next to the application you want to update. The update button will become a progress wheel until the installation is complete.
Apple OS Updates are not managed through Self Service and must be installed using the Software Update feature in macOS.
- Use the Apple KB Update macOS on Mac to install OS updates on your Apple computer.
- You may be prompted with the following window when installing updates. Enter the password you use for logging onto this computer here.
If you run into any issues installing updates, contact Technology Help for more assistance.
Some items available in Self Service may not appear without first logging in (e.g., some printers, licensed software, software with department specific settings).
Note: Users of HST-managed devices should log in using their Active Directory (ADia) account credentials
- Select Log In from the bottom left corner of Self Service.
- A login screen (as shown below) will open. Sign in using your full University of Minnesota email address and password.
- HST users should log in using their Active Directory (ADia) account.
- HST users should log in using their Active Directory (ADia) account.
Watch the Self Service Overview video from Jamf Software for more details.
Unlike Windows, macOS does not have a built-in function to uninstall applications. In macOS much like iOS, all parts of an application are kept "inside the application". For example, deleting Firefox from the Applications folder will "uninstall" Firefox from the computer.
Uninstalling an application from your computer requires administrator rights. If you do not have administrator rights on your computer or access to Make Me Admin for temporary rights. Please contact 1-Help and we will be happy to assist you.
- Open a Finder
window by either clicking on the icon or by searching for it in the spotlight window.
- Select the Applications folder in the Favorites menu and find the application that you wish to uninstall.
- Drag the application to the trash can on the right side of your dock. Or select the application by clicking on it and typing command and delete at the same time.
- Note that some applications such as Adobe Creative Cloud and the Cisco VPN install files in multiple locations like in Windows. These programs are contained in a single package and show up in the Applications folder as a folder themselves. In this case, they will have their own uninstaller program to run instead of the process listed here. For example, double click on the Uninstall Adobe Creative Cloud to uninstall.
- Enter your administrator credentials to uninstall.
- IT help or access to Make Me Admin are required.
5. Empty the trash bin by right clicking or holding the control button while clicking on the trash bin and select Empty.
After uninstalling the software, it may be necessary to install the software once again. To reinstall the software that you just uninstalled, return to Installing an Application section of this article.
Note that for some software applications, a system restart may be needed in order for Self Service to repopulate.
Adding Applications to Self Service
Contact [email protected] if you need an application installed on your device.
- Use the Single Software Title Package Request form to request for an application to be added to Self Service on a group of devices.
- Note: Software can only be packaged for Self Service when at least one of the following is true:
- It has valid licensing that is owned by the University of Minnesota.
- It is free or open source.
- You or your department will provide the licensing information and assume responsibility in that the licenses obtained are compliant with University Policies.