The University has a complete online directory including contact information for all colleges, departments, units, programs, centers, and people.
The directories can be accessed at Contact information for faculty, staff, and students is found specifically in People Search.
In this article:
- Managing Directory Suppression
- Understanding the Impact of Choosing to Suppress Account Information
- Troubleshooting
Managing Directory Suppression
Students can set their directory suppression in the My Info tab of MyU.
There are five different levels of suppression that students can choose from. Refer to Make your information private under the article Student Records Privacy and Access for details about each level of suppression.
Note that suppressing your information does not hide it from University staff who need your information, such as your advisor.
Changes to suppression settings may take up to 24 hours to take effect.
Staff and faculty personal contact information is suppressed by default, including home address and home phone numbers.
Staff/faculty cannot suppress their office phone number or office address. University contact information is considered public knowledge and must remain available except under extenuating circumstances.
If you would like to suppress further information from the University directory or update an outdated office phone number/office address, contact the Office of Human Resources for further assistance.
Departmental Email Accounts
The creator of a departmental account has the option to suppress the account from the directory when the account is created.
This can also be modified later via self-service by following the steps in Update Access to University Departmental Accounts or by contacting Technology Help.
Sponsored (Friend) Accounts
The creator of a sponsored account has the option to suppress the account from the directory when the account is created.
This can also be modified later via self-service by following the steps in Accounts: Manage a University Sponsored Account or by contacting Technology Help.
Understanding the Impact of Choosing to Suppress Account Information
Choosing to suppress your account information can impact the way your account functions or displays on a variety of UMN sites and services.
University Computers
If you choose to set up account suppression, you may see your user name listed as Suppressed Entry when logging into University computers.
Google & Gmail
If you choose to set account suppression, you may notice that your name does not appear correctly in your UMN Google profile and/or Gmail account.
Commonly, this will force the account name to appear as "[Internet ID] University of Minnesota" rather than "FIRST NAME LAST NAME".
This can also be a potential source of confusion if other University members attempt to find your email address by typing in your first and last name at when drafting an email.
Microsoft Office 365
If you choose to set account suppression, you may see your name listed as Suppressed Entry on Microsoft Office 365 offered through the University of Minnesota.
BeyondTrust Remote Support
If you choose to set account suppression, you may see your name listed as Suppressed Entry when chatting with Technology Help or in remote support sessions.
If your directory suppression settings are impacting the way your University account functions or displays in a way that is not desired, review and update your directory suppression settings (on this page).
Note that changes to suppression settings may take up to 24 hours to take effect.