
The Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) is built to provide a flexible and scalable platform using a star-schema data model that leverages facts and dimensions. This design is optimized for analytics, allowing greater reuse through more combinations of complex data, and ultimately, allowing more diverse questions to be answered.

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) is working with the Enterprise Data Management and Reporting (EDMR) organization and the University Pillars to prioritize the data subject areas brought into EDW. As EDW is being built, the Legacy Data Warehouse will have a larger breadth of data for a period of time, and users will need to make a determination if the subject areas in EDW can be leveraged or if the Legacy Data Warehouse should continue to be used.

Access to EDW is provided via UM Analytics. This Business Intelligence platform allows central units at the University (Finance, Human Resources, Research, Student, and University Services) to pre-build and publish analyses, dashboards, and visualizations, utilizing common business logic and enterprise data definitions. It also enables campuses, colleges, units, and individuals to author their own data queries and create advanced dashboards and visualizations.


  • Consolidated data from multiple source systems, structured for analytics using dimensional modeling techniques
  • Consume this data via published dashboards/analyses from Central Units in the UM Analytics Catalog, which can also be accessed on a report-by-report basis in the MyU Portal, Reporting Center:
  • Advanced users can author and share personal analyses and dashboards using the query builder in UM Analytics
  • The Enterprise Data Subject Area Map outlines targeted subject areas that will be included in the Enterprise Data Warehouse, and the development status and timeline of each subject area.