Compare Campus WiFi Options
Choosing the most appropriate network is the best way to maximize the performance of your computer and mobile devices.
What is the best WiFi network to connect to when I’m on campus?
The following wireless networks are available on the University of Minnesota campus. Choosing the most appropriate network is the best way to maximize the performance of your computer and mobile devices.

The fastest and most secure network on campus, eduroam is the preferred secure network at the University of Minnesota.
Recommended Resources
Effort Required
Key Considerations
- Preferred secure WiFi network for University students faculty and staff
- Log in with your FULL University email address and password
- This network is also available for visitors from other campuses that employ eduroam who can use their own credentials from their institution to log in
This network is for guests and visitors at the University of Minnesota. Users of UofM-Guest do not qualify or need a sponsored account.
Recommended Resources
Effort Required
Key Considerations
- Open to all University guests
- Does not require any prior approval or setup
Sponsored Account/Conference Account access to University WiFi
Temporary access to a secure WiFi network is available to UMN guests when requested by a qualified member of the faculty or staff.
Recommended Resources
Effort Required
Key Considerations
- For University-affiliated individuals who provide a service or function that directly impacts the University
- Requires an account sponsored by a qualified member of the faculty or staff
- Automatically provides access to the eduroam WiFi network