WiFi: Guest Access

UofM-Guest WiFi Network

Guests on campus may use the UofM-Guest network at no charge. As the name implies, UofM-Guest is a network for guests to the University that need to connect to the Internet, but do not have University accounts.

Connecting to UofM-Guest

  1. On your device, navigate to the area where you can view all WiFi networks that are in range.
  2. Select UofM-Guest from the list of available WiFi networks.
  3. A web browser will automatically open to a network authentication page. This page explains the Terms of Use you agree to by using the guest WiFi.
    • You can open a web browser manually, if the Terms of Use page does not open automatically (e.g., Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer).

Good Practice

University Information Security (UIS) recommends using a virtual private network (VPN)  whenever you use public WiFi to access the internet. A VPN creates a private, encrypted tunnel for your online activity making it more difficult for anyone to watch or monitor what you are doing online. Please share this tip with your guests.

University Students, Staff, & Faculty

University employees and students should log in to the Eduroam network with their full University of Minnesota email address and password. University employees and students, follow connect to eduroam.

Contractors, visiting scholars without Internet accounts, and other non staff that need prolonged internet access can have accounts sponsored by a University of Minnesota staff member. The account sponsor can request the account through the University Account Self-Service page.

Additional Information

If you still cannot connect, contact Technology Help.

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