Box Desktop Apps
Box Sync and Box Drive are two separate desktop applications that give users the ability to access Box content from the user's desktop environment. There are a few differences between the applications that may make one more suited to your needs than the other.
Box Drive Vs. Box Sync
Box Drive is an unlimited cloud drive. You can an unlimited number of files from your desktop without needing to take up much of your actual Hard Drive space. Work with these files in the cloud just as if they were on your desktop through Finder. Whether you create a new Microsoft Word document or edit a PDF in Adobe, any changes you make will automatically save back to Box. You can also right-click any file or folder to leverage collaborative Box features such as sharing, locking and creating Box Notes.
Box Sync has been replaced by Box Drive. Box Sync is not supported.
Known Issue: Due to reported software incompatibility, Box recommends uninstalling Box Sync from your computer before installing Box Drive.
Install Box Drive
If you do not have administrator access for your computer, either:
- Go to Software Center on Windows machines or JAMF on Macs (for University managed devices); or
- Contact Technology Help or your local IT staff for assistance.
If you have administrator access for your computer, visit: Install Apps for Working with Box Data on your Desktop.
Use Box Drive
The University's preferred application for accessing Box content from your desktop environment is Box Drive.
For additional help in using the Box Drive app, visit: Use Apps to Edit Box Data from your Desktop.