Technology Help Website: Archive a Page

When a page has reached the end of its useful life, you should archive it. 

In this article:

  1. Before Archiving a Page
  2. Archiving a Page
  3. Consider Redirecting the Page
  4. Additional Information

Before Archiving a Page

  • Check for referring links.
  • Communicate with stakeholders such as the web content teams to let them know your plans for the page in case they have processes that include the use of that page that may need to be adjusted.

Archiving a Page 

  1. Log into the Technology Help Website (
  2. Find the page you want to archive.
  3. Select Edit
  4. Edit the content to indicate that the page is being archived:
    1. Add a reason for archiving to the beginning of the Body. For example: 
      • Archived: Technology no longer supported
      • Archived: Information obsolete
  5. Enter a note in the Revision log message field that the page is being unpublished.
  6. Scroll to the bottom and un-check the checkbox next to Published to unpublish the page. 
  7. Select Save

Consider Redirecting the Page

It is helpful to create a redirect when retiring a webpage. This helps users that have old bookmarks or saved URLs get directed to updated information.

The IT@UMN Site Data Usage site allows you to view traffic information on individual webpages. If a page gets a lot of traffic then it may be helpful to our users to redirect the page's URL to alternate information (another Drupal page or Knowledge Article) after it is retired.

For more information, see: Redirect a Page.

Additional Information

Last modified
