Recruitment CRM: Create a Caller Group

Caller groups are used when adding staff to a Campaign. These are the people who will be managing and calling the members of the campaign.

Caller Groups can be added to various List/Campaign records or customized with only certain members for special campaigns if needed.

Creating a Caller Group

  1. Click Caller Groups Tab from your homepage if showing in your default tabs or click on the All Tabs (+) button and select Caller Groups from the list.
  2. At Caller Groups Home click New to create a new Caller Group.
    The New button on the Caller Groups Home Tab
  3. Select Admissions Staff Group from the dropdown on the Select Call Group Record Type page and then click Continue.
  4. On the next screen put in a Caller Group Name and, if desired, a description for reference or searching later and then click Save.
    The Save button on the New Caller Group screen
  5. This creates the Caller Group and brings you to the Caller Group record where you are able to add Group Members and/or Campaign information.

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