Users should keep their collaborators (the people to whom they give access to folders) up-to-date.
- Only add people who need access to do your university work.
- Only add them with the lowest level of permission that they need in order to collaborate on the work.
- If you are unsure what permission level they need you may want to review the access levels first.
- Remove people as collaborators immediately when they no longer need that access (for example, when they leave the university or change jobs).
- In order to share a file from Box it must be within a folder first.
- If you're trying to share an individual file you may find it helpful to review the information on how folders and subfolders work in Box and how to leverage this for organization and collaboration.
Adding collaborators to a folder
- Open the folder you want to add collaborators to.
- NOTE: This MUST be a folder, you cannot share an individual file within our instance of Box.
- If you do not yet have one, please create a folder and add the file(s) you are trying to share to that folder, either by dragging and dropping files already within Box or uploading files from your computer, and then follow the instructions below.
- Click on Share this Folder and select Invite Collaborators in the folder sidebar on the right. A pop-up window appears.
- Enter the email addresses of the individuals you would like to add under Invite.
- Notes:
- The email address you enter must be the same email address your collaborators have used to register for their Box accounts. Please verify this with them before you proceed.
- If a user does not yet have a Box account, they will receive an email inviting them to sign up for a free account. Once they sign-up, they will have immediate access to the collaborative folder.
- The account security measures that the University has put in our Box instance will follow the folders and/or files that you share with external collaborators, regardless of their own Box account setup.
- To share with more than one person at the same time put in their individual addresses within the box for the appropriate collaboration level.
- DO NOT use Google Group or departmental email addresses to include multiple people. Each individual must have their own Box account to access the content.
- Notes:
- Select the access level for the collaborator(s) you are inviting from the Invited Permission menu.
- Modify the Personal Message (Optional) field, if desired.
- Once you have entered all collaborators, click Send Invites. Emails will be sent to your new collaborators notifying them of your invitation.
- Once your collaborators log into their Box account, they will be able to accept or reject your invitation to collaborate on that folder. When collaborators are invited to a folder, the folder icon for you will change from manila yellow to blue.