Box: Remove Collaborators

You should be removing a collaborator's access as soon as they no longer need the file or folder that you are sharing with them.

The below gives you instructions on how to remove a collaborator from an individual folder or from all folders that you own.

Note: You can only remove collaborators from folders and files that you own.

Remove a Collaborator from an individual folder

  1. Navigate to the folder or subfolder you want to remove a collaborator from within Box.
  2. Click on the The More Options button for Collaborators button to Change collaborator permission and choose Remove from the menu.
    A screenshot showing the open collaborator menu for an individual collaborator with the Remove option highlighted

Remove a Collaborator from all Folders that you own

  1. On the sidebar click on the menu item that says Collaborators.
    Collaborators in the sidebar
  2. To remove a collaborator from all folders that you own click on the Remove button to the right of the desired person in the list.
    The Collaborator screen with a collaborator highlighted and the remove button showing
    • Note: for collaborators that are in folders you are not owner you will get a message when trying to remove that "You can only remove collaborators from folders that you own" and you will not be able to remove them.
      The You can only remove collaborators from folders that you own. message

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