BeyondTrust (Bomgar) is a safe, secure, and private way to allow support personnel to view your computer screen. Your technician will not be able to view any information you do not want them to see, and you will be able to see what they are doing at all times. The below guides will assist you in the steps required to start a BeyondTrust (Bomgar) remote support session based on your computer's operating system (OS).
In this article:
- Go to
- Follow the link provided or type the web address into the web address bar.
- Make sure you are typing the link into the address bar and not a search engine.
- Make sure you are typing the link into the address bar and not a search engine.
- Follow the link provided or type the web address into the web address bar.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter the Session Key provided by your technician.
- Click the name of your technician in the Representatives list if you are not given a Session Key.
- If you don't see your technician listed, refresh the page by clicking the refresh button at the top of the screen or pressing Ctrl + R on your keyboard.
- A file will download and an information page will open explaining that You are about to start a support session with [name of your technician].
- Use the following guides to assist you in opening the file to start a BeyondTrust (Bomgar) support session based on your browser choice:
- Select the click here option if you cannot locate the file.
- The following display will appear when the file has opened successfully.
- Your request for a screen-sharing session will appear for your technician to accept.
- The following display will appear when the file has opened successfully.
- Choose the Allow button within the Access Request window to continue.
- Choose the Select All option then the Close option within the Choose Applications window to enable the technician to see your screen.
- Note: After the remote support session is ended, the software is automatically removed from your computer.
Mac OS
- Go to
- Follow the link provided, or type the web address into the web address bar.
- Make sure you are typing the link into the address bar and not a search engine.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter the Session Key provided by your technician.
- If you are not given a Session Key, click the name of your technician in the Representatives list.
- If you don't see your technician listed, refresh the page by clicking the refresh button at the top of the screen or pressing Command + R on your keyboard.
- Use the following guides to assist you in opening the file to start a BeyondTrust (Bomgar) remote support session based on your browser choice:
- Open Finder, then select Downloads in the left-hand menu.
- To start the session, double-click on the Open To Start Support file.
- Choose the Allow button within the Access Request window to continue.
- Select Grant Access… for any permission that is required for your technician.
- Note: Your screen will not display to your technician if the correct permissions are not given. Give your technician the correct permissions according to HIPAA Compliance at the University and Private and Public Information.
- Choose the Select All option then the Close option within the Choose Applications window to enable the technician to see your screen.
- Note: After the remote support session is ended, the software is automatically removed from your computer.
Note: Both OIT and BeyondTrust hold restrictions for the Linux operating system. OIT does not support Linux-related troubleshooting. However, one can use these instructions on a device with the Linux operating system for general troubleshooting. BeyondTrust lists its restrictions for Linux in its Linux Compatibility Guide.
- Go to
- Follow the link provided, or type the web address into the web address bar.
- Make sure you are typing the link into the address bar and not a search engine.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter the Session Key provided by your technician.
- If you are not given a Session Key, click the name of your technician in the Representatives list.
- If you don't see your technician listed, refresh the page by clicking the refresh button at the top of the screen or pressing Ctrl + R or Command+ R, depending on your keyboard.
- A file will download and an information page will open explaining that "you are about to start a support session with [name of your technician]."
- Use the following guides to assist you in opening the file to start a BeyondTrust (Bomgar) remote support session based on your browser choice:
- If you do not see the file, select the click here option.
- The following display will appear when the file has opened successfully.
- Your request for a screen-sharing session will appear for your technician to accept.
- The following display will appear when the file has opened successfully.
- Choose the Allow button within the Access Request window to continue.
- Select the Close button within the Choose Applications window to enable the technician to see your screen.
- Note: After the remote support session is ended, the software is automatically removed from your computer.