Qualtrics DesignXM
DesignXM Overview
DesignXM refers to a set of advanced features on the Qualtrics survey platform. The University of Minnesota’s Qualtrics license allows a limited number of users to access DesignXM features in their existing Qualtrics account. Individuals can request access to DesignXM features by submitting the DesignXM Access Request Form. Before submitting a DesignXM Access Request Form, review the information below.
What additional features does DesignXM have?
DesignXM includes access to the following additional Qualtrics features:
What would switching to DesignXM mean for my Qualtrics account?
- You would not see a disruption of service during your account’s change to DesignXM role. Your user account, surveys, and associated data will not be affected by your increased access to the DesignXM features.
- The Qualtrics user interface would not change, other than you seeing additional features.
- You will not lose access to any features in Qualtrics that you already have with the transition to DesignXM.
- The University still has a BAA agreement with Qualtrics. You can use DesignXM for collection of protected health information (PHI) under HIPAA.
- You will still be able to collaborate with UMN Qualtrics users who are not using DesignXM (more details in the “DesignXM Collaboration Tips” section below).
- If you have SMS enabled on your account, you will still have SMS enabled.
- Access to DesignXM includes access to the Qualtrics API.
How does collaboration work with DesignXM?
DesignXM users can collaborate with Standard Qualtrics users on Survey projects, although there are some subtle nuances in how standard UMN users can interact with DesignXM features within the Qualtrics Survey Builder.
Directory Collaboration
- DesignXM users can still share contact lists with Standard Qualtrics users and vice versa through Qualtrics’ user group functionality.
- DesignXM users can create automations for contact lists uploaded by Standard Qualtrics users as long as the base Qualtrics user uploads the contact list to a user group library that includes the DesignXM user.
SMS Distributions
- If a Standard Qualtrics user has SMS enabled on their account and has SMS credits, they can send SMS invitations for surveys owned by DesignXM users.
- If a DesignXM user has SMS enabled on their account and has SMS credits, they can send SMS invitations for surveys owned by Standard Qualtrics users.
Video Response Question
- Standard Qualtrics collaborators cannot add video response questions to a survey owned by a DesignXM user.
- If a video response question is present in a survey, a Standard Qualtrics collaborator can edit the video response question’s settings (i.e. recording options, format, response requirements, and question behavior).
- If a video response question is present in a survey, a Standard Qualtrics collaborator can copy that question to create a new video response question in the survey.
- Warning: If a Standard Qualtrics user changes the question type to a different style question, they will not be able to set it back to “Video response."
Text Entry Autocomplete with Google Maps
- Standard Qualtrics collaborators cannot add Google Maps autocomplete to text entry questions in a survey owned by a DesignXM user.
- If Google Maps autocomplete is already set up in a text entry question, the Standard Qualtrics collaborator can change the Google Maps autocomplete settings (i.e. Select Place Type, Suggestion limit, Allow Free Response).
- Warning: If a Standard Qualtrics user changes the “Autocomplete Data Source," they will not be able to set it back to “Google Maps."
Text Entry Autocomplete with Supplemental Data
- Standard Qualtrics collaborators cannot add Supplemental Data autocomplete to text entry questions in a survey owned by a DesignXM user.
- If Supplemental Data autocomplete is already set up in a text entry question, the Standard Qualtrics collaborator can change the Supplemental Data autocomplete settings (e.g., Select supplemental data source, Search fields, Suggestion limit, etc.).
- Warning: If a Standard Qualtrics user changes the “Autocomplete Data Source”, they will not be able to set it back to “Supplemental Data."
Stats iQ - R Coding
- Standard Qualtrics collaborators cannot add an R code analysis under Stats iQ.
Incentive Workflow Tasks
- Only DesignXM users can add Tango Card or BHN incentive tasks to their survey workflows.
CX Dashboard Projects
- DesignXM users cannot collaborate with Standard Qualtrics users on CX Dashboard projects.
- As of right now, even if a Dashboard project is "shared" with a Standard Qualtrics user, they will not gain access to Dashboard projects.
Website / App Intercept Projects
- DesignXM users can collaborate with Standard Qualtrics users on Website / App Intercept projects.
- While Standard Qualtrics users cannot create Website / App Intercept projects themselves, these projects can be shared with them.
- Standard Qualtrics users can edit Website / App Intercept projects that are shared with them by a DesignXM user.
Accessing DesignXM Features
Fill out the DesignXM Access Request Form to request access to DesignXM features for your UMN Qualtrics account. DesignXM requests will be approved according to project need (see “How are requests approved for DesignXM?” section below). Access to the video response question will only be given to those who specify a need.
If you have any questions about DesignXM features or the best way to fill out the Access Request Form, please contact the UMN Qualtrics Brand Administrators at [email protected].
Who can request access to DesignXM?
University of Minnesota faculty, staff, or graduate students can request access to DesignXM features. For access to DesignXM features in a unit or lab with multiple users, it's recommended to use a departmental account instead of granting access individually to each user.
DesignXM is not currently being offered to undergraduate students. If an undergraduate is engaged in research with a faculty member, the faculty member can create a departmental account, request DesignXM access for the departmental account, and grant the undergraduate access through the departmental account.
How are requests approved for DesignXM?
DesignXM access requests are approved on an individual basis, based on the educational or business need.
Approval for DesignXM access is more likely if requests:
- Provide detailed information on which specific DesignXM features are needed for one or more specific projects and justify why those features are needed for project success.
- Include a specified time period during which the project will be conducted and features will be used.
- Relate to use for academic research projects, such as faculty research, dissertation work, and thesis work.
- Relate to use for UMN institutional research.
- Relate to performing an appropriate administrative or research function.
Requests will be denied if they:
- Relate to using Qualtrics DesignXM features strictly for projects related to coursework (dissertation and thesis work not included).
- Are from an undergraduate student.
- Are only requests to test the functionality of DesignXM. If you are interested in learning more about DesignXM features, or testing features of DesignXM in collaboration with the UMN Qualtrics Brand Administrators, please contact us at [email protected].
- Provide insufficient information to describe the use case (e.g., "I just need access").
- Do not cite a specific project use case.
- Are for a departmental account and are submitted by someone other than the Account Organization Head or Account Contact Person.
What happens when my DesignXM access expires?
You'll have access to DesignXM for the duration of your project(s) that require DesignXM access or for two years after the approval of your last DesignXM Access Request Form, whichever comes first.
You will be notified prior to the expiration of your DesignXM feature access by the UMN Qualtrics Brand Administrators. To extend your access, you can submit another DesignXM Access Request Form.
If your DesignXM access expires, you will still have access to the data that you collected while your account had DesignXM features enabled. You will simply not be able to use DesignXM features anymore until you re-submit the DesignXM Access Request Form again with an acceptable use case.