SQL Developer: Install and Configure for Mac

SQL Developer can be used to create queries that can be used to retrieve data from the Data Warehouse. The preferred method for using SQL Developer is through the AppsToGo application. This method requires no configuration and can be accessed through any web browser. View the knowledge article Use AppsToGo to Run SQL Developer.

If the Self Service application is installed on the Mac computer, it can be used to install SQL Developer. The benefit of installing from Self Service is that SQL Developer is preconfigured to work with the Data Warehouse.

If Self Service is not available on the computer, SQL Developer can be manually installed and configured.

SQL Developer requires the Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or version 11, also known as JDK 1.8 or JDK 1.11

Verify Proper version of JDK is installed

  1. Click on the desktop
  2. Select Go in the Finder menu
  3. Select Applications. The Applications folder is displayed.
  4. Double-click Utilities. The Utilities folder is displayed.
  5. Double-click Terminal. The Terminal application opens.
  6. Type java -version
  7. Press Enter. If JDK is installed, the version will be displayed.
    the text "java -version" in the top line, the next line displays the text "open jdk version 1.8.0_222". There are two more lines of text with more information about the java installation.
    1. The version will be the first line. It should be either 1.8 or 1.11
    2. Note: there are various distributions of Java: OpenJDK, Oracle, Amazon Coretta, etc. They all will work with SQL Developer.
  • If the computer has JDK version 1.8 or 1.11, continue on to the install SQL Developer using Self Service section below.
  • If the computer does not have any version of Java, follow the steps to install OpenJDK version 8 below.
  • If the computer has a different version of Java, contact your local IT support or Technology Help to have it removed before installing OpenJDK version 8.

Install SQL Developer using Self Service

If the computer is managed by the University of Minnesota Office of Information Technology, Self Service can be used to install SQL Developer. Learn more about using Self Service.

If you are unable to install SQL Developer via Self Service, please contact Technology Help for assistance.

  1. Open Self Service from the Applications folder on the computer.
  2. Select the ALL category to see all available applications.
  3. Scroll down and click the Install button for SQL Developer.
  4. Restart the computer when the installation finishes.

Create a Connection to Data Warehouse using SQL Developer

If you are using a Wireless connection on campus, or you are off campus, VPN is required. Download the Secure Client VPN for Mac OS X client from the Technology Help website.

  1. Open SQL Developer from the Applications folder on the computer.
    1. You may see a Problem initializing the JavaFX runtime error. Select OK to dismiss it.
  2. Click the green + symbol the new connection icon in the upper left to create a new connection. The connection settings window is displayed.
  3. Type a name for the connection in the Connection Name field
  4. Type your University of Minnesota Internet ID in the Username field
  5. Type your password in the Password field
  6. Cllick the Connection Type drop-down selector
    1. Select TNS
  7. Click the Network Alias drop-down selsctor
    1. Select DWEPRD.WORLD
  8. Click the TEST button
    1. If your account uses DUO, you will need to confirm the request
  9. If the Status displays Success, everything works
    1. Click Save
    2. Click Connect

Create and Run a Query

  1. A new tab will appear in the workspace where you can enter the query. Type in a new query, or paste in a query that was archived from the Web Query Tool.
  2. Click the green run button in the Query Builder toolbar to execute the query.
  3. The query results will be displayed at the bottom in the Query Results panel.

Export Query Results

  1. Right-Click (mac: CTRL-Click) on any field in the query results area. A contextual menu is displayed.
  2. Select Export. The Export Wizard is displayed.
  3. Choose a format for the exported data.
    1. Note: when the drop-down list opens, it will be in the middle of the list. Scroll up to find CSV or Excel
    2. Depending on the format selected, a set of options will be displayed. They can all be left with the default selections.
  4. Click the Browse button next to the file location. The Save dialog is displayed.
  5. Click the Location selector at the top.
  6. Browse to the location where you want the file saved.
  7. Enter a File Name
  8. Click Save. The save dialog is closed, and the Export Wizard is displayed.
  9. Click Next. The Export Summary is displayed.
  10. Click Finish. The file will be saved.

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