Enterprise CRM Service Console: Search for Existing or Duplicate Records

When someone puts in a request via email, a web form, or walks-in to one of your locations they may provide different information for themselves based on the information requested and their place within the application process. Sometimes they will submit a web form with their personal email, or perhaps they walk-in to a location and haven't been provided with their Student ID yet. Parents, too, can provide different contact information or may already have a Peoplesoft record because they are students or staff themselves.

  • For those reasons it is highly recommended to first try to Create or Update a Contact Record in Salesforce from Peoplesoft by putting the Student or Staff ID and/or UMN email address in using the Find Contacts functionality within the Service Portal. Anyone who provides and EMPLID or UMN Email address should be found using that method instead.
  • This article is intended for finding parents, guardians, agents, or other potential contacts who reach out to you but do not have a record in Peoplesoft. Prior to Creating a Contact you should use this method to search and see if the Contact record already exists.

Searching for Existing or Duplicate records

  1. If the contact is able to provide an EMPLID or UMN Email address follow the directions to Create or Update a Contact Record in Salesforce from Peoplesoft.
  2. If the contact provides other information use the Global Search bar at the top of the screen where you're able to search all of the records available to you within CRM.
    The Global Search Bar location
  3. Within this search bar you can search for records that have the same contact associated:
    Good terms to use:
    • first name
    • known variations or common errors on spelling of the first name (Kirsten v. Kristen or Christopher v. Chris)
    • known variations or common errors on spelling of the last name (Larson v. Larsen)
    • if the last name is hyphenated the different names individually or in different formats
    • email address
    • other potential email addresses provided by the contact
    • phone number or other contact information (if using phone number try different formats as well)
  4. If you do find another record use other contextual information to verify and/or correct the information.
    • If you have the person on the phone you would be able to ask them the correct or preferred information to use and/or verify if the other contact information is indeed their own.
    • If you are checking without immediate contact your internal business processes may dictate how or when to reach out to a person to verify their information in order to update, or preferences in retaining information such as preferred nickname or long version of first name.


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