When you want to change something within Enterprise CRM, or if something isn't quite working the way you think it should, then you'll need to create an Internal Support Case. This article is meant as an overview of how to submit a Support Case and also provide some information on how to submit with the needed information the first time, which can help get your issue solved quicker!
You may also want to double check your internal business processes prior to submitting a Support Case. Certain types of requests may need to go through approval processes or be entered by certain staff.
Creating an Internal Support Case
- Click on the All Tabs (+) button from your homepage.
- Click on Cases in the list.
- From Cases Home click New.
- From the dropdown on the Select Case Record Type screen:
- Choose Tier II Support Request for a new users, user updates, or user deactivations.
- Choose UMN Internal Support Case for an enhancement, bug, or new functionality.
- Click Continue. This brings up the New Case screen.
- Once on the New Case screen there are some important and required fields you will need to fill out.
- Subject should be a brief description of the issue or enhancement you are requesting and should include pertinent information for both the support person and yourself to identify the issue later on.
- Description is where you will include any details about the bug or enhancement you are requesting fixed or updated.
- If this is a bug include steps taken to encounter the issue.
- If this is an enhancement request include a use case for the internal support team to review.
- If this is a non-enhancement (user-related) request include the username, what role, profile, or public groups are desired.
- Contact Name allows you to use the Lookup icon to search for and associate a Contact record to the Case. This should be the point of contact that you'd like the support team to provide updates and/or request additional information from.
- Case Origin allows you to choose from a picklist of available origin types.
- Origin Detail: allows you to give additional detail if the case origin you picked was Non-Enhancement.
- Status should stay as the default of 10 - New since this is a new Case. This field will update depending on where the Case is during the process.
- Priority can be set per internal business processes and effect on your workflows.
- The CRM support team uses Chatter on Cases for communication. When reviewing updates to a Case or adding or changing Case information use the Chatter function to @mention your CRM support rep to ensure that they get the message.
- Once all of the information has been filled click on Save at the top or bottom of the Case Edit screen to create the Case.
- As your Case progresses you may get asked to verify if the bug has been fixed or if the enhancement is doing what you expected it to do. For more information on verifying and updating fixes review Verify a Case in Martin and Verify a Case in Production.