This article details how to sign in to the Call Center web application for Clearspan Communicator and Clearspan Webex Teams (formerly Webex Engage) with a Supervisor account. It also details general use of the Call Center web application.
Note: VoIP callers should be aware of certain restrictions to 911 calls. Visit for more information
- Table of Contents
Signing in to the Web Application
- Connect to UMN - Split Tunnel VPN
- Connect to UMN VPN
- If you do not already have Cisco Secure Client VPN on your device, download the VPN client
- Log in at
- User ID - [10-digit number OR internet ID email] (Note: If unsure, check with whomever set you up)
- Password - Provided Password
- A System Use Notification pane should open, to agree to the terms of use, click Accept.
Accessing the Call Center External Reports Engine
These instructions are for those with Supervisor accounts to log in and pull reports.
- Sign in to the Web Application (on this page).
- Click on the Reporting tab in the top right corner of the window.
- A new window will open. This is the Call Center External Reporting Engine.
- To access the reports, select the Template drop-down and select the desired report.
Panes Within the Web App
- Within the Web App, the main panes to view and work within are as follows:
- Agents - Use this to see information about Agents associated with your Call Centers, monitor next call (SMN), change agent status (ACD), call (CALL), and change queue association (QUEUE).
- Queues - Use this to see information about, monitor next call for (SMN), and call (CALL) queues associated with this Supervisor.
- Agents - Use this to see information about Agents associated with your Call Centers, monitor next call (SMN), change agent status (ACD), call (CALL), and change queue association (QUEUE).
- When any calls come into the queue(s), information about and options for the call will be available for each of the individual calls.
- Call Console Pane: Shows status and options for calls for each of the assigned Call Centers. (ANS) answers call, (TRACE) traces call, (END) ends call.
- Queued Calls Pane: Shows status and information about the calls in queue for each of the assigned Call Centers.
- Call Console Pane: Shows status and options for calls for each of the assigned Call Centers. (ANS) answers call, (TRACE) traces call, (END) ends call.
- The Call Center Dashboard is part of the Web Application, and provides agent statistics at a glance.
- To launch the Call Center Dashboard, click Dashboard. This should open in a new window.
- Ensure to Allow Pop-Ups in your browser for this to launch properly.
- Ensure to Allow Pop-Ups in your browser for this to launch properly.
- To launch the Call Center Dashboard, click Dashboard. This should open in a new window.
- The Dashboard provides information about agent statistics, think of this as the Centergy equivalent. To view agents associated with queues you are part of by simply selecting, Show Agents.
- You may also filter agents not currently signed in by selecting, Hide Signed Out Agents.
- You may sort with any of the available columns, simply click the column and it will sort ascending or descending based on that parameter.
- You may also filter agents not currently signed in by selecting, Hide Signed Out Agents.
For additional information on the Clearspan Supervisor Web Portal, please visit the Mitel Support Document: Clearspan Hosted Thin Call Center Agent/Supervisor Guide