This article describes how to log in to AppsToGo and access Apps after you have completed Step 1: Install Citrix Workspace (formerly Receiver) and Step 2: Link Your Google Drive in the AppsToGo Self-Help Guide.
Logging In and Accessing Apps
- In a web browser such as Firefox or Safari, go to (Chrome Web Browsers, ChromeOS and Chromebook users please refer to AppsToGo: Using Chrome Web Browsers.)
- Log in with your internet ID and password. You will be brought to your Home page where all the apps you have access to and have favorited are listed.
- If you are asked to trust any certificates, accept and trust them.
- If you cannot log in, please wait 24 hours or until you receive an email stating you have access.
- Note: You may have issues logging into AppsToGo if your password uses an underscore, parenthesis, or extra space as special character.
- To access to a desktop, click on the Desktops icon.
- To access an app. click on the icon for the app and it will launch the Citrix Workspace application and open the App. (If you are using Chrome and a file with the suffix ".ica" is downloaded, please see the instructions at AppsToGo: Using Chrome Web Browser.)
- When you are finished, quit the App as you would a normal Windows application.
- To log out of AppsToGo, click on the gear icon
at the top of the window, and choose Log Off.
- It is important to always quit the Apps and Log Off when you are finished working. If you do not Log Off, your session remains active for 30 minutes before it times out. Please Log Off every time to allow other students to use AppsToGo.
- The next time you log on to AppsToGo, you will be brought back to your Favorites.
- Save all work to your connected drive of choice by following the instructions in AppsToGo: Saving Your Work. Be sure that you have completed the one-time enable mapping on your Google Drive. Do NOT save files to your desktop unless instructed. They will not be there the next time you log in.
Linux User Notes
Some Linux users have reported issues when trying to open Ubuntu. Follow these steps for help:
- In the CMD window, enter the following commands
sudo rm -rf cacerts
sudo In -s /etc/ssl/certs cacerts
- Disable ipv6 in the config files.
- Reboot and try opening Ubuntu again.
Additional Information
- If you launch an App using the Citrix Workspace application that you downloaded and installed, you may need to input the following information:
- Server address: OR
- Log in as: AD\first_part_of_email_address Example: AD\name001
- When you launch an application for the first time, Citrix Workspace may prompt access to your local hard drives. If you want this option to save your work directly to the computer you are accessing from, you will need to Permit access.