WiFi: Register a Personal Device for the Encrypted Internet of Things (IoT) Service

At the University of Minnesota, personal Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as Xbox, PlayStation, Roku, Apple TV, etc can be registered for Wi-Fi service.

Follow these steps to register your device for the Encrypted IoT Service.  

Registering a Personal Device for Encrypted IoT Service

Do not register laptops or smart phones using this process unless otherwise specified for temporary IoT device AirGroup setup. Phones and laptops should connect to eduroam using your full University email address ([email protected]) and password. Full access to your University account and systems (i.e., MyU, Canvas, PeopleSoft) may not be fully functional on the IoT network. For more information on eduroam, follow Connect to eduroam.

  1. Go to the Wi-Fi Registration webpage.
    • This link will only work if you are accessing this article on campus through a device connected to eduroam or you are connected to VPN.
    • If you are registering this device for yourself, sign in with your Internet ID and password.
    • If you're working on behalf of a department or another individual, please contact Technology Help.
  2. From the side menu under Devices, select Create Device.
  3. In the MAC address field, enter the wireless or Wi-Fi MAC address of the device.
    • The device name can be whatever you choose. For example, if you are registering a Roku, you might name it Goldy's Roku.
  4. Enter a name for the device in the Device Name field. This name is to help you identify the device to yourself in the future.
  5. Check the Wi-Fi Password box.
    MAC Address field with description "MAC address of the device." Device Name field with description "Name of the device". Wif-Fi Password checkbox with description "Use a unique Wi-Fi password for this device"
  6. If you are registering a device that you are casting or communicating to or from another device (such as your smartphone), as part of the registration process:
    1. Check the AirGroup box.
    2. Leave the default Personal selected in the Ownership section.
    3. If you will be sharing the device with your roommate or another person, put their Internet ID in the Shared With field, separating multiple IDs by commas.
      • This will allow you to cast from another device to the registered device even if they are connected to different SSIDs (e.g. eduroam, UofM-IoT, etc.).

AirGroup field with Enable AirGroup checked and message "AirGroup uses device ownership and location information". Ownership field with Personal selected. Message "A personal device is automatically shared with other devices owned by the same user." Shared With field with message "Enter the Internet ID that will be able to use this device. Use a comma-separated list"

  1. Check the Terms of Use checkbox to accept the terms of use.
    • The message reads I am the owner of this device and accept the terms of use.
  2. Select Create.
  3. Your device is now registered. You can connect to the IoT Encrypted Service

Note: Personal device registration will expire automatically in 1 year unless registration is renewed. 

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