This article shows how to sign in to a call queue for a call center on the Clearspan Webex Teams (formerly Webex Engage) application on a Mac device. Webex Teams is an application that's used for Voice Over IP (VOIP) phones.
Note: VoIP callers should be aware of certain restrictions to 911 calls. Visit for more information.
- Table of Contents:
(Option 1) Signing In To a Call Center Queue
- Launch Clearspan Webex Teams client.
- Sign in to Webex Teams.
- Select Queues: Available.
- Depending on your status, this may say Queues: Available if your status is Available, Queues: Unavailable if your status is Unavailable, etc.
- Check the checkbox next to the queue you want to join.
- Select the Agent status dropdown.
- To change your availability, change the Agent status.
- Select Signed Out. A dropdown menu opens.
- Select your status from the drop down menu.
(Option 2) Signing In To a Call Center Queue
- Launch Clearspan Webex Teams client.
- Sign in to Webex Teams.
- Open Call Settings.
- Select Open Call Preferences.
- In the new window that opens, select Queues.
- Select Click here to access your call queues settings. A new Call Settings window opens.
- Open the dropdown for Call Control.
- Open the dropdown for Call Center Queues.
- Open the dropdown for Call Center ID's.
- To join a call center queue, click the slider bar and turn it on by sliding the button to the right.
- To change your availability, change the Status.
- Select Status -Signed Out. A dropdown menu opens.
- Select your status from the drop down menu.
Note: Your availability when signed in to a call center queue is different from the availability shown in the general Webex Teams profile menu. To know your status in the Call Center queue, check the Status in the Call Settings.
Note: The status for your availability in a call center queue does not update in real time. To see your current status, close the Call Settings window and reopen it.
Signing Out of a Call Center Queue
When you are done taking calls, follow the same steps as Signing In to change your Status back to Signed Out and click the slider bar next to the queue you are in to leave the queue.
Wrapping Up After a Call
After a call, your status automatically goes into Wrapping Up.
You should not be manually going into Wrap. If you need to step away from the phone for a moment you should use Unavailable. Or, if you are stepping away from the phone for a while, you should change your status to Signed Out).