In the TeamDynamix (TDX) knowledge article form there are two settings that determine the availability of an article for viewing or publishing:
- the Restrict Access custom attribute and
- the Publish to KB setting.
The Restrict Access setting is used to indicate if a UMN Internet ID login should be required to view the article. The Publish to KB setting is used to indicate if the KB article should be Published. These two settings together determine an article's availability for viewing.
To help you determine what settings to select, below are some common scenarios and the choices that suit the situation.
Common Scenarios
Scenario 1: I want my article published to the Technology Help website and available to everyone.
- Restrict Access: No - Article can be published for public viewing.
- Publish to KB: selected
Scenario 2: My article is just for technicians, it is not intended for a public audience.
- Restrict Access: Internal article for TDX Technicians only.
- Publish to KB: not selected
Scenario 3: I want to make my article available to anyone at the UMN, but it should not be accessible to the general public.
- Restrict Access: Yes - All campuses must log in to view.
- Publish to KB: selected
Scenario 4: I'd like my article to be public but I'm not sure if all the information in it is safe to share.
- If you are not sure whether a KB article should be made public, send an email detailing the information and its audience to [email protected] or open a ticket in TDX and assign it to T2 University Information Security.