Pope Tech: Fix Missing Alternative Text Errors

Use Pope Tech on your OIT-hosted Drupal website to find images that are missing alternative text. If you don't include alternative text with an image, a visually impaired person who disables image loading or encounters a broken image won't know what the image is meant to convey. Alternative text should accurately and succinctly describe the content and function of the image. For more information on writing alternative text, refer to the guide on the AccessibleU website.

  1. Display the locations of the accessibility errors on your site.
  2. In a separate browser tab, log into your website and navigate to the page that has the error you want to correct.
  3. Depending on how the image was added to the page, you will either need to select Edit or Layout in order to fix the issue.
    • Content fields must be edited via the Edit button.
    • Custom blocks that were added via Layout Builder must be edited from the Layout tab.
      1. Mouse over the appropriate block.
      2. Select the pencil button that appears in the upper-right corner of the block.
      3. Select Configure to edit the block.
    • If you are not sure how this content was added, check Edit first to see if you can find the content there.
    • Note: If your image was added using the Add Media button in the WYSIWYG toolbar, an Edit Media button will appear above the image when editing the text field. Select this button to reveal the alternative text field.
      The Edit Media pop-up in the Rich Text Editor. The alternative text field is highlighted for an image.
  4. Once you find the image, enter appropriate alternative text and save your changes. The next time your site is crawled and subsequently scanned by Pope Tech, this particular Missing alternative text error will no longer appear in your scan results.

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