The Rich Content Editor (RCE) allows you to format text and embed media when creating many different pieces of a course site. The RCE tool bar has Content Selector buttons that allow you to connect other course content (pages, assignments, announcements, etc.) directly within the content you are working with.
Inserting Canvas Content Using the RCE toolbar
You can link to course resources using the RCE's toolbar. There are four buttons all side-by-side on the RCE's toolbar:
- Links
- Images
- Record/Upload Media
- Documents
Each button has a drop-down menu with options for selecting specific course content.
When you click one of the Canvas content buttons, a context-sensitive Add menu appears on the right.
Understanding the RCE Insert Content Buttons
- Links allows you to add an external link or choose from course content including:
- Pages
- Assignments
- Quizzes
- Announcements
- Discussions
- Modules
- Course Navigation
- To learn more about the Links button, read Create hyperlinks to course or group content in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor.
- Images allows you to upload an image or select an image from the course or your user files. To learn more, read Embed images from Canvas into the Rich Content Editor as an instructor.
- Record/Upload Media allows you to embed media. UMN recommends you use the Kaltura embed button
instead. See Add Media from Kaltura Using the Rich Content Editor for information.
- Documents allow you to upload a new document or select one from the course or your user files. To learn more, read Embed documents from Canvas in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor.
Additional Resource
- For additional information see the Canvas Community resource What is the Rich Content Editor?