Canvas: Overview of Google Drive Integrations

Canvas integrates with Google Drive making it easy for instructors to include collaborations, content sharing, and assignments directly within Canvas. There are two methods of associating your UofM Google Drive with Canvas. 

Both methods assist in setting access and permissions on the content you share. Both provide a way for participants to select files from Google Drive to submit an assignment. The methods vary in what kinds of Collaborations are allowed, how deeply Google Drive is integrated with content creation, and how easily you can work with participants on other campuses. 

Google Drive Web Service 

Google Drive Web Service is good for activities that include Google Document Collaborations, even if participants span more than one campus. 

Google Drive Web Service facilitates sharing and permissions. When creating a Collaboration, Google Drive Web Service offers a list of participants in your course and will grant permissions to those you select.

  • Create Collaborations using Google Documents
  • Work across system campuses
  • Submit files - of any type - for an assignment. 

Teachers are not automatically added as collaborators. Teachers can add themselves by editing the collaboration.

Google Drive LTI 

Google Drive LTI is a deeper integration of Google Apps within Canvas and is the only option if your course will involve Collaborations using Google Presentations or Sheets. 

Google Drive LTI facilitates sharing and permissions. When creating a Collaboration, Google Drive LTI offers a list of participants in your course and will grant permissions to those you select. Participants in your course will also automatically have access to linked or embedded content without leaving the Canvas interface. 

  • Create Collaborations using Google Documents, Presentations, and Sheets
  • All Collaborations are automatically shared with Teachers.
  • Use the Rich Content Editor to embed or link to Google files
  • Files can be added to Modules to provide direct access to participants.

If participants in your course are from other campuses, you may need to share files directly from Google Drive to ensure they have proper access.

Tip: Consider adding Google Drive to your course menu and conducting a group activity where all students authorize the Google Drive LTI. Once authorized, users can view the contents of their Google Drive in the menu.


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