Issue: You are trying to install a software package that will allow you to get different outputs for your data in STATA 16 and the installation fails. In the past it has worked when you were using a physical lab computer station but it is failing when using STATA 16 on an AppsToGo Published Desktop or App. The error message you get is "STATA was not able to access the host."
Resolving the issue
- Log in to and map your Google Drive into your STATA session.
- If you have not registered your Google Drive with Kumo, see Step 2 in the AppsToGo: Self-Help Guide ( for detailed instructions.
- Run the following commands in STATA:
- set httpproxyhost
- set httpproxyport 3128
- set httpproxy on
- Install the software packages into STATA as you would normally.
- Run the output commands for the software as you would normally.
- If the STATA says the software installed correctly but the output command is still not recognized, save to the Documents folder in the AppsToGo Session instead of the Google Drive.
- Note: FILES ARE NOT KEPT IN THE DOCUMENTS FOLDER for AppsToGo Published Desktops. Treat the AppsToGo Published Desktop like a lab computer, and copy the output to your Google Drive before closing the session.
- If the above steps do not resolve the issue, capture the following and then contact Technology Help.
- AppsToGo Published Desktop Name (example: HHH)
- Software name (Example: STATA 16)
- Software package name (Example: outreg2)
- File path where output was being saved
- Exact error messages (screenshot preferred and/or error code(s)