Participate in Information Security Awareness & Training

Learn more about how to make your online experience safer and also help secure the University.


We live in a world of ever-changing cybersecurity threats. What can you do to protect yourself and others?


Protecting University data is everyone’s responsibility.

University Information Security offers a number of opportunities to help inform and empower yourself about data and privacy good practices when you use a computer or mobile device. When you adopt a combination of the safe computing techniques described in the linked pages below, you create multiple layers of protection. The more of these techniques you use, the more you help secure yourself and the University.

Take Awareness Training

Securing the Human: Information Security Awareness Training is a collection of online training videos delivered in Training Hub that is assigned to all new staff and faculty and others who must take this course to meet information security compliance at the University. Others may also be assigned this course. It covers the basics of safe computing and data protection. Units may also request this course.

Check out these additional resources:

Practice Safe Computing

See our Practice Safe Computing page.

Read and Share Safe Computing Articles

Check out

Share and Post Handouts

Remind yourself and others about safe computing best practices by sharing and posting the handouts.

Attend or Schedule Events 

Members of the University Information Security team are available to attend campus events hosted by University units (orientations, information fairs, meetings, lunch-and-learns) to have a face-to-face discussion on safe computing practices and securing your and University data and to answer questions that you have related to information security.

Check out the various events around campus:

Email University Information Security at mailto:[email protected] to talk about inviting us to one of your events.

Participate in Security-People

Security-People is an informal community of practice for IT Partners that meet to discuss Information and systems security topics of interest to the University of Minnesota staff members. 

  • Attend Security-People meetings on the second Thursday of every even-numbered month (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec), see the Upcoming IT Events calendar for location and time.