Mathematica and Wolfram Alpha Pro (Wolfram)

Mathematica is a computational software program based on symbolic mathematics that is used in scientific, engineering, mathematical, and computing fields. 


    Purchase or Download

    Purchase or Download

    UMN Licenses

    Availability Cost
    Collegiate Units For installation on a University-owned device Funded by a consortium of departments: No charge charge to individual departments
    Employee For installation on an employee's personal device University-funded: No charge
    Student For installation on a student's personal device University-funded: No charge

    Instructions for Departments, Employees and Students

    This license is open to all current University of Minnesota faculty, staff, and students.

    Starting January 28, 2025 new users will use Single Sign On (SSO) to install and activate Mathematica. Users with existing Mathematica accounts will continue to use existing (non-SSO)  accounts until they upgrade to a new version of Mathematica.

    Sign in to Mathematica with SSO

    1. Go to

    2. Enter your University of Minnesota email address and select Continue.

    Continue button is red and appears below the form

    3. Select the product you want to install. 

    • For the desktop version of Mathematica, choose Mathematica Desktop. 
    • To access Mathematica via a browser (no installation required), choose Mathematica Online. 
    • Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition and Wolfram|Alpha Pro are also available through your Wolfram account.

      Various Wolfram|Alpha editions are displayed

    4. Enter your University of Minnesota email address and select Continue.

    Wolfram Sign in screen

    5. When prompted, sign in with your University of Minnesota Internet ID, password, and Duo two-factor authentication.

    6. If you previously had a Wolfram account, enter the password for that account when prompted to link that account with your University account. Once your Wolfram account is linked to your University login ID you will no longer receive this prompt.

    Wolfram Link with Existing Wolfram ID screen

    7. Accept the terms and conditions as they have already been reviewed by University representatives.

    8. Once Mathematica is installed, launch it. You will then be prompted to choose the license you want to activate.

    Concurrent Licensing for Managed Devices

    Lab computers and other university-managed devices obtain Mathematica licenses through a license server. This will not be changed by the transition of individual Mathematica accounts to SSO.


    Terms and Conditions

    General Technology Products Terms & Conditions apply to this software license. If additional terms and conditions apply to this item, they will be listed below.


    See the Wolfram Mathematica License Agreement.


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