Your University of Minnesota Zoom account uses a default display name based on your UMN Preferred Name. This article includes instructions for updating your Preferred Name using MyU ( as well as steps for making sure that the name change shows up in Zoom properly.
Note: Your preferred name determines how your name is displayed in a variety of University systems, including Zoom. Review the OneStop Preferred Names article to learn how updating your preferred name will affect you.
Setting a Default Display Name using MyU
Follow Set a preferred name or degree name to set a new preferred name. Consider the following when updating your preferred name:
- Zoom will only display the first initial of your preferred name's middle name.
- The MyU My Info tab only shows the first and last name of your preferred name.
- To verify middle name information, be sure to select Edit button to review and update your preferred name's middle name.
- Zoom does not allow for special characters, diacritics or symbols to be included in display names.
- Examples: ( ) , + " \ ; $
Confirming Your New Display Name in Zoom
Once you've updated your preferred name in MyU, there are two ways to make sure that your updated preferred name shows up as your Zoom Display Name.
- Wait until the change is processed automatically, which happens overnight
- Log into your Zoom profile to have the display name change take effect immediately
- Log into Zoom using a browser (i.e., Chrome, Safari, Firefox) that you don't normally use, or use Chrome to open a private window.
- Go to and start a test Zoom session. You should see your updated Zoom Display Name in this test session.