Zoom: HCC and Non-HCC Accounts

There are two Zoom account types at the University of Minnesota:  

University of Minnesota: This is the account name for all UMN Zoom users who are not expected to interact with Protected Health Information (PHI) in Zoom. Any Internet ID that does not have a BAA or BAA+ flag will fall under this category.  

HCC: This acronym stands for Health Care Component and is the account name for all UMN users who have a Business Associates agreement (BAA) and may interact with Protected Health Information (PHI). This includes all users who have either a BAA or BAA+ flag associated with their UMN Internet ID. 


How do I know which account type I have?

It's important to know which account type you have. If you don't already know your account type, there are two ways to find out:

Using My Account

Log into my-account.umn.edu and check your User Details tab on the Self-Service page. If your status is listed as Non-BAA, you are in the non-HCC University of Minnesota user group for Zoom.
screenshot showing Non-BAA for the BAA status in my-account.umn.edu

If your Internet ID has either a BAA or BAA+ flag, your details will show BAA as the status and you are part of the HCC user group for Zoom.
Screenshot of the BAA status on my-account.umn.edu

Using Your Zoom Profile

Check your UMN Zoom Account Profile page

Next to Account Name, non-BAA users should have University of Minnesota listed:
UMN Zoom profile interface. Under Account Profile, University of Minnesota is the Account Name for non-BAA users

Next to Account Name, BAA users should have HCC listed:
UMN Zoom profile interface. Under Account Profile, University of Minnesota is the Account Name for non-BAA users.

Completing Training for Access to Zoom HCC Accounts

  1. To access Zoom using an HCC account, you must complete a 15-minute self-paced online training course in Canvas (Zoom: Understand HCC Requirements). Once you complete the course, your account imports into the Zoom HCC instance.
    • When your account is ready for activation (typically between 30 minutes to one business day), you receive a confirmation email and an additional invitation email with a link to complete your account activation.
  2. Select Activate Your Zoom Account in the email. A UMN Zoom account is created with your UMN email address.

Email invitation. "The University of Minnesota has created a Zoom Account for you. Please click the button below to activate your account within 30 days." Button saying Activate your zoom account.

  • Note: If you do not receive an email, you can still activate your account by logging in at umn.zoom.us and selecting Switch to the New Account to complete the transfer to HCC Zoom.
    Zoom web interface prompt to confirm the transfer of a UMN Zoom account into HCC Zoom. Switch to the New Account highlighted

Departmental Accounts and HCC Zoom

If you or your unit want to use Zoom and are a part of the HCC, the departmental account must complete the Zoom HCC Training to gain access. Zoom does not differentiate between individual accounts and departmental accounts.

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