WiFi: Set the Same Password for a Group of IoT Devices

If you want to set the same password for a group of departmental or unit-owned Internet of Things (IoT) devices, you need to export a spreadsheet, edit the passwords and then import your new spreadsheet back into the registration portal. This step is a part of the Register a Departmental Device for IoT Wi-Fi Service guide.

Setting the Same Password for a Group of IoT Devices

If you want to set the same password for a group of IoT devices, you need to export a spreadsheet, edit the passwords and then import your new spreadsheet back into the registration portal.

  1. Log in to ClearPass Guest Registration portal. If inaccessible, please try the alternate WiFi Registration webpage
    • These links will work only if you are accessing this article from a device on campus connected to eduroam or are connected to VPN. You may need to use a private/incognito window to sign in with a departmental account.
  2. Select Export Devices.
    Export Devices. Export a list of all current devices to a file. You can select the format you want to export to here.
  3. Select Export Comma-Seperated Values.
    • This will download a file with a name of the form Guest Devices YYYY-MM-DD.csv to your computer. 
  4. Open your "Guest Devices" file in Googlesheets. Note the Wi-Fi Password column.
    Example of Wi-Fi Password column with list passwords in the Google Spreadsheet.
  5. Edit the password column to make the passwords the same. Leave all other values in the spreadsheet as is.
    The example Wi-Fi Password column in the Google Spreadsheet now has the same password for every item
  6. Save and export your spreadsheet.
  7. Go back to the registration portal and select Import Devices.
    Import Devices. Import a list of devices from a text file and create a device for each entry in the list.
  8. Select Choose File to import your updated spreadsheet and select Next Step.
    Upload User List window. Choose File button is in the Accounts File section. An example file is chosen and Next Step button is selected.
  9. Verify your data and select Next Step.
    Example page with table list of data that was imported from the csv and a Match fields form section that you can use to match each of the fields in the imported data with each of the parameters needed to create a device.
  10. Select Create Account to import your new passwords.
    Example page of the 5 accounts in a table list with their imported data. Button for Create Accounts is selected.
  11. Select Manage Devices to verify your import.

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