SRTs for Students: How to Access Online Evaluations

The Student Rating of Teaching (SRT) is completed by students, providing input about instructors and the courses they teach. University Survey & Assessment Services (USAS) oversees online and paper-based SRT administration and reporting for the Crookston, Morris, Rochester, and Twin Cities campuses. Online evaluations are completed using eXploranceBlue. 

Availability of Online Evaluations

Course dates are entered by the department into PeopleSoft and are used by the online evaluation system (eXploranceBlue) to determine the evaluation availability period.

Online Student Rating of Teaching evaluations (SRTs) are available to students based on the length of the course:

  • 83 days or longer: The last 3 weeks of instruction
  • 5-82 days: The last 25% of the class instruction time
  • 4 days or fewer: The last day of instruction

Online evaluations end at midnight on the official last day of instruction before the final exam period begins. Closed evaluations cannot be reopened or extended.

Instructors do not receive SRT results until after grades are submitted. The SRT results do not identify students, although specific written comments may identify a student to the instructor. For more information, see University Survey & Assessment Services: Student Privacy under Resources below.

Accessing Online Evaluations

Students can access their online evaluations in several ways:

  • Links in email notifications
  • Links in Canvas courses
  • Links in the online evaluation system

Email Notifications for SRTs

One to three email notifications are sent to students during the evaluation period depending on the length of the course.

  • The first email notification is sent out in the early hours of the morning on the first day of evaluation.
  • For regular semester course three week evaluation periods, an email notification is sent out in the middle of the evaluation period.
  • The last email notification is sent out in the early hours of the morning of the last day of instruction/last day of evaluation.


Canvas: Student Rating of Teaching

Academic Canvas courses have a Student Rating of Teaching option in the course menu. This link will take you to your Dashboard in eXploranceBlue, the University's online evaluation system.


SRT / eXploranceBlue Dashboard

If you did not receive an email notification, you can go directly to the online evaluation system, eXploranceBlue.

  • You will see your Dashboard.
  • The Tasks area will show you any active online evaluations you have.



University Survey & Assessment Services: Student Rating of Teaching: Students (includes information on privacy)



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