Recruitment CRM: Prospect Definitions and Sources

This definitions document is a resource for understanding the fields that show on a Prospect record and the different ways in which they can be modified. This may help you understand what may be happening if information changes unexpectedly, or determine the usefulness of a field to your business processes, or as a reference for reporting needs.

Prospect Definitions and Sources

Number (on screenshot) Field Name Possible Sources
1 Contact Populated on creation by user or search/match code, user updates
2 Inquiry Source Any incoming load (including PS), webpage submission, user
3 Preferred Name formula: pulls from the Nickname/Preferred Name field on the contact record
4 First Inquiry Date Automatically populated based on the date of their first loaded child record
5 Major of Interest Duluth (also for Morris, Rochester, and Crookston) webpage submissions, User
6 CIS User
7 PSEO User
8 Change of Major User
9 Date Last Visited User, Trigger: The most recent Visit Date from an "Attended" Visit Attendee record
10 # of Times Visited Campus Omniscope update, users
Attending Instead User
11 Summary Status formula: based on whether the prospect is Active and whether they have an application program
12 Applicant Status PS Application
13 Application Date PS Application
14 Admit Date PS Application
15 Confirmation Date PS Application
16 Applicant Type PS Application
17 Applicant Term PS Application
18 Type Any incoming load (including PS), webpage submission
19 Term of Interest Any incoming load (including PS), webpage submission, user
20 Offered Admission PS Application
21 Active Any incoming load, webpage submission, user
22 Graduation Year webpage submissions, user
23 Interest Grade user
24 Recruitment Categories PS Application, Omniscope process, User (this is a rollup field that concatenates all of the Recruitment Category child records on the prospect)
25 Student Groups PS Application
26 Most Recent Interest Grade Date Automatically populated with date of the most recently created Interest Grade record
27 College of Admission PS Application
28 Application Major Formula: pulls from the Academic Plan field on the Application Program
29 Application Major (text) Formula: pulls just the text portion from the Application Major field
30 Territory Assignment Bio Automatically selected based on prospect Type and End Date on the Bio record
31 High School (from Bio) Bio
32 College (from Bio) Bio
33 College Cumulative GPA User
34 GPA webpage submissions, user
35 End Date (from Bio) Bio
36 High School GPA (from Bio) Bio
37 High School Rank (from Bio) Bio
38 High School Rank (Actual) PS Bio
39 Assigned Primary Counselor / Recruiter Automatically assigned based on territory for the High School or College record, or from the Territory Manager Override field
40 Recruitment Territory Assignment Automatically populated based on the High School or College record
41 Territory Manager Override User
42 Recruiting Territory Automatically assigned based on the recruiting territory for the High School or College
43 Legal Agent1 First Name PS Application, Batch inquiries
44 Legal Agent1 Last Name PS Application, Batch inquiries
45 Legal Agent1 Email PS Application, Batch inquiries
46 Legal Agent1 Relationship PS Application, Batch inquiries
47 Legal Agent3 First Name PS Application
48 Legal Agent3 Last Name PS Application
49 Legal Agent3 Email PS Application
50 Legal Agent3 Relationship PS Application
51 More Legal Agents PS Application
52 Legal Agent2 First Name PS Application, Batch inquiries
53 Legal Agent2 Last Name PS Application, Batch inquiries
54 Legal Agent2 Email PS Application, Batch inquiries
55 Legal Agent2 Relationship PS Application, Batch inquiries
56 Legal Agent4 First Name PS Application
57 Legal Agent4 Last Name PS Application
58 Legal Agent4 Email PS Application
59 Legal Agent4 Relationship PS Application
60 ACT Score (Self-Reported) webpage submission, user
61 ACT Score (Max Official) ACT load
62 TOEFL Score (Self-Reported) users
63 SAT Score (Self-Reported) webpage submission, user
64 SAT Score (Max Official) SAT load
65 IELTS (Self-Reported) users
66 Email Opt Out users
67 Mail Opt Out users
68 Contact: Primary Phone formula: pulls from the Primary Phone field on the associated contact record
69 Contact: Home Phone formula: pulls from the Home Phone field on the associated contact record
70 Contact: Mobile Phone formula: pulls from the Mobil Phone field on the associated contact record
71 Contact: Twitter Handle formula: pulls from the Twitter Handle field on the associated contact record
72 Contact_Emplid formula: pulls from the Emplid field on the associated contact record
73 Contact_UofM_Email formula: pulls from the UofM Email field on the associated contact record
74 Contact: Internet ID Login formula: pulls from the Internet ID Login field on the associated contact record
75 Permission to Text Athlete Inquiry, users
76 Do Not Call users
77 Date Last Called Calling Outreach, users
78 Primary Phone Omniscope update from contact, users
79 Home Phone Omniscope update from contact, users
80 Mobile Phone Omniscope update from contact, users
81 Other Phone Omniscope update from contact, users
Available in Reports & List Views Only Assigned to Current User formula: check box is checked if the current user is assigned as the Prospect's territory manager and unchecked if they are not
Available in Reports & List Views Only Applicant Status Reason formula: pulls from the Program Reason field on the associated Application Program with the max application status

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