Pope Tech: Log in to Pope Tech

Pope Tech is a website accessibility scanning tool that can crawl websites and report back on accessibility errors and issues.

Logging in to Pope Tech

If you need access to Pope Tech, contact the Group Manager(s) for your unit. If you do not know who your Group Manager is, please email [email protected].

  1. Go to the Pope Tech login page.
  2. Type your UMN email address. 
    • System Campus users must enter their email address as "@umn.edu" (e.g. [email protected] would be entered as [email protected] in Pope Tech). 
    • A radio button to log in with SSO will appear:
      Pope Tech login window open with a UofM email address in the email field and the SSO Login Mode highlighted
  3. Keep the SSO radio button selected and click the Login button. Pope Tech will authenticate with Shibboleth and you should be directed to your Dashboard view:
    Pope Tech Dashboard view for a website showing the Result Types widget, Most Common Issues widget, Scan Details widget, and Errors by Group widget

Understanding Your Role Permissions in Pope Tech

There are two roles in the UMN Pope Tech instance. Each role has access to do certain tasks:

For questions or issues with Pope Tech, please contact your Group Manager or [email protected].

Additional Resources

Learn more about digital accessibility for websites.

  • Enroll in Digital Accessibility: Foundations to begin your learning. Once you have taken Digital Accessibility: Foundations, you will be eligible for any of the other courses in the program.
  • If you have already taken the Digital Accessibility: Foundation course, you can enroll in Digital Accessibility: Web Content to learn specific aspects of digital accessibility to use when creating websites.

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