Attestation can be created for a group or folder. The steps are the same. For a Folder Attestation, there is one additional setting that defines whether the attestation applies only to the folder, or all subfolders.
- Select either My folders or My Groups in the Quick links section of the left navigation.
- Select the Folders I Manage tab or the Groups I Manage tab.
- Select the Folder or Group where you want to create an attestation. The folder or group information is displayed.
- Select the More Actions button in the top right. The drop-down menu expands displaying all available actions.
- Select Attestation. The attestation page is displayed.
- Select the Attestation Actions button. A menu is displayed.
- Select Edit Attestation Settings. The page expands, and the settings are displayed.
- Set Attestation to Yes, does have attestation directly assigned. The page expands, and more settings are displayed.
The default settings are usually sufficient. The items that you might want to change are:
- Email Folder/Group Managers
- All admins and updaters will be emailed when it is time to attest the group(s)
- Select No, Email a Custom List of Email Addresses to define who should be notified.
- Use Default Recertify Days
- The default is 180 days.
- Select No, Use Custom Recertify Days if the group should be recertified on a different frequency.
- Folder Scope
- The default is to apply the attestation to all groups in the folder and all subfolders. This can be changed to only the folder.
- This setting is not in the Group Attestation configuration
- Mark Group as Reviewed
- If the group(s) are accurate, select Yes, Mark These Groups as Reviewed. Today will be recorded as the attestation date, and the number of days to recertify will begin to run.