Examples of Enterprise Data

Enterprise data is data created by central business processes stored in enterprise applications (e.g., PeopleSoft, Canvas, DARS, APLUS) and is available to be shared through applications and reporting tools to the University community.

Enterprise data is a critically important asset to the University and as such, time and resources are needed to safely manage and share the data through careful and effective data modeling, storage, and access provisioning.

Characteristics and Usage of Enterprise Data

  • Integration: Ensures a single consistent version of enterprise data for sharing throughout the enterprise.
  • Master data management: Enterprise data can be generated from multiple applications, requiring the need to identify, map, and reconcile Master Data across enterprise applications to reduce duplicative data.
  • Quality: Data quality is achieved through consistent business processes and monitored at the enterprise application level.
  • Availability:  Enterprise data must be available through a number of systems, methods and tools to a variety of users.
  • Usability: The value of data is based on the ability to answer critical questions to meet specific business needs and decisions.
  • Security: In addition to being available and usable, enterprise data must be secure.

Examples of Enterprise Data

  • Course information such as term (1169 = Fall 2016), course description (Descr = Biochemistry) and subject (BIOC) from the PeopleSoft system and corresponding student enrollment data are examples of enterprise student data.
  • Human Resources (HR) information such as jobcode (9790B2), JobCode_Descr (Business/Systems Analyst 2), and corresponding employee data are examples of HR data from PeopleSoft.
  • Examples of financial information includes DeptID (10005), DeptID_Descr (EFS Module Support Team), and RRC (CONTR) from PeopleSoft and corresponding transaction detail are examples of enterprise financial data.

For more information, please refer to About Enterprise Data.

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