Drupal Lite: Remove a Field from a Content Type

Anyone that has the role Content Type Manager can edit the content types for a site. To remove a field from a content type, it must be removed from the layout editor for the content type first.

Remove a field from a content type

  1. Log in to your site.
  2. Select Structure from the admin toolbar.
  3. Select Content Types. A list of content types is displayed.
  4. Select the drop-down arrow in the button in the operations column for the content type
  5. Select Manage Display. The layout editor is displayed.
  6. Locate the field in the layout.
    1. When the mouse is over the field, a pencil icon is displayed in the top right corner of the field container.
    2. Select the pencil icon.
    3. Select Remove Block. A warning message is displayed.
    4. Select Remove.
  7. Select Save Layout at the top of the page. The Manage Display window is displayed.
  8. Select the Manage Fields tab at the top of the page. The list of fields is displayed.
  9. Select the drop-down arrow for the button in the operations column.
  10. Select Delete. A warning message is displayed.
  11. Select Delete to confirm the removal of the field.

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