This article details how those with Supervisor accounts in Clearspan Communicator and Clearspan Webex Teams (formerly Webex Engage) can set Forced Forwarding for a Call Center queue. Forced Forwarding is a feature that is only available for Premium Call Centers and needs to be configured before it is available. To request Forced Forwarding to be configured complete the Voice & Data Request Form.
Note: VoIP callers should be aware of certain restrictions to 911 calls. Visit for more information
- Log in at
- User ID - [10-digit number]
- Password - Provided Password
- Click Accept in the SYSTEM USE NOTIFICATION.
- Click the Options button
in the upper right hand corner.
- Select Edit Queue Favorite Dialog from the dropdown. This opens an Edit Queue Favorites menu.
- Select the checkboxes for Monitor and Force Forwarding.
- Click Save.