Canvas: Publish Questions from Respondus Directly to Canvas

Applies to: Canvas.

Note: Use the most recent version of Respondus available for download at the Respondus Quiz Tool Information course site. Email [email protected] to request access to the course site.

Publishing questions from Respondus to Canvas

  1. Start/run the Respondus program.
  2. Click the Start tab. (You should be in this tab when the program opens.)
  3. Under Current Personality, select Canvas.
  4. Click Open on the main screen.
  5. Select your Respondus file and then click Open.
    • If asked to convert a file created in a different learning management system, click OK.
    • The file will open in the Edit tab.
  6. Select the Preview & Publish tab.
  7. Click Publish in the left navigation.
  8. Click Publish WizardThe Publish Wizard page appears.

A)  Continue below for the First Time Server Setup.

B)  Skip to Choose an Existing Server if you have already set up a server.

First Time Server setup

  1. Select Publish to a Single Course (default).
  2. From Canvas Server, choose - add new server.
  3. Select No, I want to enter the server settings manually.
  4. Click Next.

The Canvas Server Settings page appears.

  1. For #2, enter this url into the text box:  (Don't forget the ending slash.)
  2. Press Extract >>
  3. Enter a server name (e.g., My Canvas server).
  4. For Username and Password, enter your FULL University email address ( and password.
    (NOTE:  Do not add d, r, crk, or morris before
  5. Click OK.
    Respondus server configursation for Canvas.

A Respondus Request Window opens.

  1. Click Next. Respondus asks you to log into Canvas.
  2. Click OK. The UMN login page appears.
  3. Enter your normal UMN username (not your full email address) and associated password.
  4. Click Authorize to allow Respondus access to your Canvas account. You return to the Respondus request window.
  5. Click OK.
    Respondus requests you to log into Canvas.
    Authorize Canvas to allow Respondus to publish to it.

Another Publish Wizard page appears.

  1. Select assessment type - Graded Quiz or Question Bank.
  2. Specify Server action and item name.
  3. Select Other options. (Not required.)
  4. Click Next.

Choose between a quiz or question bank and the item.

Another Publish Wizard page appears.

  1. Highlight the course where you want to publish the quiz. If the folder opens, you may close it.
  2. Click Next to publish.

Choose the Canvas course to publish the Respdondus file.

Another Publish Wizard page appears.

  1. The program should upload the questions, create a question bank category, and place the quiz in your course site.
    You will see "Publish Completed Successfully" when the upload is done.
  2. Click Finish.

Successful publishing of the Respondus file to your Canvas Course.

Go to your Canvas course site and confirm the upload of the quiz in the Quiz menu.

Choose an Existing Server

  1. Select Publish to a Single Course (default).
  2. From Canvas Server, choose an existing server.
  3. Click Next.

Choose an existing Canvas server to publish your Respondus file.

A Respondus request window opens.

  1. Respondus asks you to log into Canvas. Click OK. The UMN login page appears.
  2. Enter your normal UMN username (not your full email address) and password.
  3. Click Authorize to allow Respondus access to your Canvas account. You return to the Respondus request window.
  4. Click OK.
    Respondus requests you to log into Canvas.
    Authorize Canvas to allow Respondus to publish to it.

Another Publish Wizard page appears.

  1. Select assessment type - Graded Quiz or Question Bank.
  2. Specify Server action and item name.
  3. Select Other options. (Not required.)
  4. Click Next.

Choose between a quiz or question bank and the item.

Another Publish Wizard page appears.

  1. Highlight the course where you want to publish the quiz. If the folder opens you may close it.
  2. Click Next to publish.

Choose the Canvas course to publish the Respdondus file.

Another Publish Wizard page appears.

  1. The program should upload the questions, create a question bank category, and place the quiz in your course site.
    You will see "Publish Completed Successfully" when the upload is done.
  2. Click Finish.

Successful publishing of the Respondus file to your Canvas Course.

Go to your Canvas course site and confirm the upload of the quiz in the Quiz menu.


Last modified
