Canvas: Letter Template for Instructors to Send to Students

You can use and customize the sample letter text below to inform your students you will be using Canvas.

Using the letter template

  1. Ensure your course site is published
  2. Find your class list and download the roster.
    1. Login into
    2. Click your Teaching tab.
    3. Find your class and click on the Class List link.
    4. Follow the instructions for Option 2: Download a class email list.
  3. Copy and paste your class list email addresses into a new message from your UMN email account, or create a Google Group of your students. 
  4. Customize and send the message below. 

Sample letter text

Dear Students,

Welcome to [COURSE NUMBER / NAME], starting on [DATE]. I would like to extend an early welcome to you and provide some important details for this class.

This course will have a site in Canvas, the University of Minnesota's learning management system. If you have not used Canvas before, I recommend that you log in and familiarize yourself with the system before class begins. 

Access this course in Canvas

You can access all your Canvas courses through the MyU portal under Key Links or on the Academics tab. You can also find them by going to

The first time you log in to Canvas you must accept the "terms of use." If you don't, you will not be able to see your classes.

Get Help Using Canvas

Canvas: Getting Started for Students contains resources you might find useful. You can also get help by clicking on the Question Mark icon located on the lower-left corner of the Canvas window. If you have issues accessing Canvas contact UMN technology help at [email protected].

Thank you,


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