A standard feature in Canvas permits students to view a Grade Distribution Graph (GDG) for individual assignments in the course Grades area. This distribution graph shows the mean score, high score, and low score. The default global setting for GDG in all courses is Enabled/ON. It must be turned off at the course level by each instructor.
Personally identifiable information is never provided to students. However, this level of data access may be especially problematic in courses with enrollments of 25 students and fewer, as students may be able to extrapolate other information about their classmates based on the information provided.
Instructors can disable the view option on individual courses following the information below.
Hiding the Grade Distribution Graph from students
- Navigate to the course and click the Settings menu.
- Click more options at the bottom of the settings page.
- Under the expanded options, place a check next to Hide grade distribution graphs from students.
- Click Update Course Details. The graph will no longer be visible to students in that class.