Canvas: Find Your Digital Badges

Instructors can award students with a digital badge using either an older Badgr/Canvas integration or a newer Canvas Badges interface. There will be a banner across the center area of the page that will either say Badgr or Canvas Badges. This article covers how to find and share a digital badge from either platform.

To find out which digital badging platform your course site is using:

  1. Select Badges in the left course menu.
  2. Refer to the ribbon image on the page and follow one of the links below to the relevant instructions:

Claiming Your Badgr Badge  

If an instructor has used the Badgr integration in Canvas to award digital badges, you can claim any awarded badges within the Canvas course site. If you are no longer able to access the Canvas site that the badge was awarded from, refer to Finding Your Awarded Badges in Badgr.

  1. Go to the Canvas course site that has an integration with Badgr.
  2. Select Credentials in the left course navigation. 
    • If you have not met all criteria for the badge, the badge will appear grayed out on the page.
    • When you have met all criteria to earn the badge, the badge for this course will have a clickable green check.
  3. Hover over the badge to select the View Details button that appears.
    View Details button appears when cursor hovers over badge
  4. Review the information in the Badge pop-up window.
    Badge pop-up window will show the name of the badge, your name, the date you received the badge, and options for how to share or download the badge
  5. Download or share your badge. 
    • Pick Download below the badge icon to download the badge to your own device to use on your email signature line or send to your manager. 
    • Choose to Share on any of the social media platforms using the clickable options near the bottom of the window.

Finding Your Awarded Badges in Badgr 

If the Canvas course site that was associated with the badge is no longer published or able to be accessed, you can still get access to any past badges awarded via Badgr at no extra cost to you.

  1. Go to
  2. Select Create an Account.
    • Important: Use the same email address that you were using when enrolled in the Canvas course site (your University of Minnesota email address) when you create your Badgr account.
  3. Log into your new Badgr account.

Any Badgr badges awarded to your University of Minnesota email account will be automatically linked to your new Badgr account. Please contact Badgr support if you have any further issues.

Claiming your Canvas Badge

  1. Go to the Canvas course site where you have earned a badge.
  2. Select Credentials from the course navigation menu. 
    • If you do not see Credentials in the course navigation menu, contact the instructor of that course site and ask that they enable that course navigation option for students to see and share their badges.
  3. Be sure that the My Progress tab in the blue ribbon across the top of the window is selected.
    • Each badge available in that course will be listed on that page. 
    • Badges that you have earned will have a green "Earned" flag in the top left corner and options to Share Badge or Print Certificate next to it.
    • Badges that you have not yet earned will show a gray "Not Earned" flag in the top left corner. A box next to the badge will say what in the Canvas course needs to be completed in order to earn the badge.

Sharing a Canvas badge

  1. Use the instructions above to find the badge you want to share.
  2. Select the Share Badge option. A new window will appear with three tabs at the top of the window for three different ways to share the badge: Link, Social, HTML.
    • Note: You will only see the Share Badge option next to badges you have earned.
  3. Select the Link tab to get an html link that you can copy and paste where needed.
  4. Select the Social tab for how to share your badge on social media sites.
  5. Select the HTML tab to get an iframe code to copy and paste into a webpage.

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